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Day: February 9, 2021

Ingredion Incorporated 2020 年第四季度及全年業績報告

2020 年第四季度報告及調整後 EPS* 分別為 1.7 美元及 1.75 美元,而 2019 年第四季度分別為 1.61 美元及 1.54 美元。2020 年全年報告和調整後的 EPS 分別為 5.15 美元及 6.23 美元,而去年同期分別為 6.13 美元及 6.61 美元公司預計 2021 年全年的淨銷售額和營業收入將因特殊配料增長、其他銷量恢復和 Cost Smart 節省而變有小幅增長伊利諾伊州威斯特徹斯特郡, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球領先的食品和飲品製造業配料解決方案供應商 Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR) 今日公告了 2020 年第四季度及全年業績。該結果根據 2020 年及 2019 年美國公認會計原則(「GAAP」)報告,包括從公司提供的非公認會計 (non-GAAP) 原則財務指標中排除的項目。Ingredion 主席兼行政總裁 Jim Zallie 表示:「我們正面迎接 2020 年的挑戰,並取得了強勁的表現,同時在我們所有五個專業平台上推進我們的推動增長路線圖。我們的團隊在全年中表現出靈活性,有效營運我們的工廠,與客戶保持緊密關係並預期他們的需求,讓我們能夠繼續成為首選的供應商。致力朝著新的工作方式發展,與客戶進行 1,300 多次虛擬互動活動,共同建設和交付來自我們虛擬互動式創意實驗室的創新想法和解決方案。我們在第四季度表現優異,淨銷售額同比增長 3%,而每個地區都為淨銷售額增長作出貢獻。四個地區的其中三個都從冠狀病毒病影響中觀察到大量需求回升,這是令人鼓舞的跡象。此外,在強勁價格上漲的帶動下,我們在南美的表現優異,讓我們能跟上通貨膨脹和不斷變化的市場條件。」Zallie 續稱:「在本季度,我們還完成了對 Verdient Food, Inc. 的 100% 所有權策略收購,動員整個團隊,並在我們的專用植物性蛋白質生產線上進行先進的建設。此外,我們的南蘇城豌豆蛋白隔離設施獲得了食品級認證。在第四季度和全年,所有四個地區的專業成分淨銷售額(不包括外匯影響)均有所增長,現在佔我們年度淨銷售額的...

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2020年度第4四半期の報告されたEPSおよび調整後EPS*は、それぞれ1.70ドル (約179円) および1.75ドル (約184円) (2019年度第4四半期はそれぞれ1.61ドル (約169円) および1.54ドル (約162円))2020年通期の報告されたEPSおよび調整後EPSは、それぞれ5.15ドル (約541円) および6.23ドル (約654円) (前年同期はそれぞれ6.13ドル (約644円) および6.61ドル (約694円))同社は、2021年通期の純売上高と営業利益がスペシャルティー原材料の成長、その他の売上高の回復、コストスマート (Cost Smart) による節約により、わずかに増加すると予測イリノイ州ウェストチェスタ, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 食品飲料製造業を対象とした原材料ソリューションの世界トップクラスのプロバイダーであるイングレディオン・インコーポレーテッド (Ingredion Incorporated) (NYSE: INGR) は本日、2020年第4四半期および通期の決算報告を行った。2020年および2019年の米国で一般的に受け入れられている財務基準 (GAAP: 米国財政基準) に沿って報告されたこの決算には、同社が提示したnon-GAAP財務指標からは除外されている項目が含まれる。イングレディオン社長兼最高経営責任者 (CEO) のジム・ザリー (Jim Zallie) は次のように述べている。「2020年の課題に真正面から対処し、堅調な業績を達成しました。また、成長推進ロードマップ (Driving Growth Roadmap) を5つのスペシャルティープラットフォームすべてにおいて進めました。 当社チームは、年間を通じて優れた俊敏性を示し、効率よく工場を運営し、常にお客様のそばで、ニーズを予測し、選ばれるサプライヤーの地位を維持することができました。新しい働き方への転換に伴い、お客様とのバーチャルエンゲージメントが1,300を超えるまでに増加し、バーチャルでインタラクティブなアイディア・ラボ...

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Ingredion Incorporated, 2020년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표

2020년 4분기 신고 및 조정 EPS*는 각각 1.70달러, 1.75달러로 전년 동기에는 각각 1.61달러와 1.54달러 기록2020년 연간 신고 및 조정 EPS*는 각각 5.15달러, 6.23달러로 전년도에는 각각 6.13달러와 6.61달러 기록스페셜티 원료 매출 증가 및 기타 품목 매출 회복, Cost Smart 프로그램을 통한 비용 절감으로 2021년 순매출 및 영업이익 다소 증가할 것으로 예상미국 일리노이주 웨스트체스터, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 식품 제조업계에 각종 원료 솔루션을 공급하는 글로벌 리더인 Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR)는 2020년 4분기 및 2020년 연간 실적을 발표했다. 본 보도자료에 제시된 2020년도와 2019년도 수치는 미국 일반회계기준(GAAP)에 따른 것으로 자사의 비일반회계기준(non-GAAP) 재무자료상에서 제외된 항목들을 포함한다.짐 젤리(Jim Zallie) Ingredion 사장 겸 CEO는 “우리는 2020년 한 해 각종 어려움을 정면 돌파하며 건실한 실적을 달성했으며 스페셜티 플랫폼 5개 부문 모두에 걸쳐 Driving Growth Roadmap을 가속화했다. 임직원들은 한 해 동안 민첩한 능력을 선보이며 소속 공장을 효율적으로 운영했다. 또한 고객사와 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 이들의 니즈에 대응하며 고객사 선호도를 유지했다. 새로운 방식으로 업무를 전환한 결과 고객사들이 1,300건이 넘는 가상 참여 건수를 기록했으며 우리 회사의 가상 인터랙티브 Idea Labs를 통해 혁신적인 아이디어를 함께 만들 수 있었다”고 밝혔다.그는 이어 “4분기의 경우 순매출액이 전년...

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Ingredion Incorporated Melaporkan Hasil Suku Tahun Keempat dan Hasil Penuh Tahun 2020

EPS* yang dilaporkan dan dilaraskan bagi suku tahun keempat 2020 masing-masing $1.70 dan $1.75 berbanding masing-masing $1.61 dan $1.54 pada suku tahun keempat 2019EPS yang dilaporkan dan dilaraskan bagi tempoh tahun 2020 yang penuh masing-masing $5.15 dan $6.23 berbanding masing-masing $6.13 dan $6.61 pada tempoh setahun yang laluSyarikat ini menjangkakan jualan bersih dan pendapatan operasi tahun penuh 2021 akan meningkat secara sederhana, didorong dengan peningkatan bahan istimewa, pemulihan volum lain dan penjimatan Cost SmartWESTCHESTER, Ill., Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), peneraju global pembekal penyelesaian bahan kepada industri pembuatan makanan dan minuman ini melaporkan hasil bagi suku tahun keempat dan tahun penuh 2020 pada hari ini. Hasil dilaporkan adalah menurut prinsip perakaunan...

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Alpharetta, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SWM International, Inc. (“SWM” or the “Company”) (NYSE: SWM) announced today that the Company has entered into an amendment to its existing credit agreement to, among other things, add a new $350 million Term Loan B facility with a seven-year maturity.  The proceeds from the Term Loan B, together with up to $325 million under the Company’s existing revolving credit facility, will be used to finance acquisition costs related to the proposed offer to acquire Scapa Group Plc (LSE:SCPA), which was announced on January 27, 2021.  JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. is acting as administrative agent for the amended credit agreement, and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., BofA Securities, Inc., Barclays Bank PLC and Truist Securities, Inc. are acting as joint bookrunners and joint lead...

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Teranga Gold Awarded 2020 Sustainable Development Goals Accelerator Award

TORONTO, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teranga Gold Corporation (“Teranga” or the “Company”) (TSX:TGZ; OTCQX:TGCDF) is pleased to announce it has won a 2020 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Accelerators Award from Global Compact Network Canada, the Canadian chapter of the UN Global Compact.Teranga’s winning submission in the large company category highlights the Company’s contribution to a ‘zero hunger’ goal in communities near the Wahgnion Mine in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Under its Livelihood Restoration Plan, Teranga works closely with local stakeholders to provide education, training and support that has led to increased crop production, new and high-value crops, and improved access to farming areas.“The six-year, $18-million program has yielded numerous benefits for communities neighbouring the...

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Delta 9 Partner Oceanic Releaf Receives Health Canada Licence for Cannabis Production

BURIN, Newfoundland and Labrador, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DELTA 9 CANNABIS INC. (TSX: DN) (OTCQX: VRNDF) (“Delta 9” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its strategic partner Oceanic Releaf Inc. (“Oceanic”) has been granted its cannabis cultivation licenses from Health Canada (the “Health Canada License”) for standard cannabis and processing operations. Delta 9 owns a 5% equity stake in Oceanic’s production facility operations and retail store and has a 20-year supply agreement with Oceanic and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.“We look forward to continuing working with Oceanic on expanding their cultivation and retail operations in Newfoundland,” said John Arbuthnot, CEO of Delta 9. “We are very excited to be able to offer the residents of Newfoundland and Labrador the best selection of cannabis products...

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Vigil Reports Profitable Third Quarter

VICTORIA, British Columbia, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vigil Health Solutions Inc. (“Vigil”) announces the results of operations for the quarter ending December 31, 2020.Developments in the QuarterRevenue of $1.76 million compared to $1.01 million in the three month period ended December 31, 2019.Earnings before income taxes were $225 thousand compared to losses of $228 thousand in the three month period ended December 31, 2019.Sales bookings for the quarter were $1.05 million compared to $1.40 million in the three month period ended December 31, 2019.Adjusted EBITDA of $313 thousand compared to negative Adjusted EBITDA of $189 thousand in the three months ended December 31, 2019.“We were pleased to see a strong quarter including the completion of projects delayed in the early days of the pandemic. Once again we owe a tremendous...

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FDA approves Libtayo® (Cemiplimab-rwlc) as first immunotherapy indicated for patients with advanced basal cell carcinoma

FDA approves Libtayo® (Cemiplimab-rwlc) as first immunotherapy indicated for patients with advanced basal cell carcinomaFollowing Priority Review Libtayo receives full approval in locally advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and accelerated approval in metastic BCC Libtayo now approved for patients with advanced stages of the two most common skin cancers in the U.S.PARIS and TARRYTOWN, N.Y. – February 9, 2021 – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the PD-1 inhibitor Libtayo® (cemiplimab-rwlc) as the first immunotherapy indicated for patients with advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC) previously treated with a hedgehog pathway inhibitor (HHI) or for whom an HHI is not appropriate. Full approval was granted for patients with locally advanced BCC and accelerated approval was granted for patients with metastatic BCC.“Patients...

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La FDA approuve Libtayo® (cemiplimab-rwlc), premier médicament d’immunothérapie indiqué pour le traitement des patients atteints d’un carcinome basocellulaire au stage avancé

La FDA approuve Libtayo®(cemiplimab-rwlc), premier médicament d’immunothérapie indiqué pour le traitement des patients atteints d’un carcinome basocellulaire au stage avancéLibtayo reçoit une approbation complète dans le carcinome basocellulaire localement avancé (CBC) et une approbation accélérée dans le CBC métastatique, suite à son examen prioritaire par la FDALibtayo est désormais approuvé pour le traitement des deux cancers de la peau au stade avancé les plus fréquents aux États-Unis.PARIS et TARRYTOWN (New York) – Le 9 février 2021 – La Food and Drug Administration (FDA) des États-Unis a approuvé l’inhibiteur de PD-1 Libtayo® (cemiplimab-rwlc), qui devient le premier médicament d’immunothérapie indiqué pour le traitement des patients atteints d’un carcinome basocellulaire (CBC) avancé ayant déjà été traités par un inhibiteur...

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