Day: November 18, 2020
Lykill fjármögnun hf. hefur lokið sölu á nýju almennu skuldabréfi til þriggja ára sem ber auðkennið LYKILL 23 11.Flokkurinn er 3 ára vaxtagreiðslubréf með lokagjalddaga þann 28. nóvember 2023 sem ber fljótandi vexti tengda eins mánaðar REIBOR vöxtum auk 1,1% vaxtaálags. Gefin eru út skuldabréf að nafnvirði 1.000 og voru skuldabréfin seld á genginu 99,4.Skuldabréfunum fylgir innlausnarheimild sem fjárfestar geta nýtt sér hvenær sem er á líftíma bréfsins og fer framkvæmd innlausnar fram á næsta vaxtagjalddaga 9 mánuðum eftir að tilkynnt er um innlausn.Útgáfudagur og gjalddagi áskrifta er 27. nóvember 2020. Stefnt er að töku til viðskipta á Nasdaq Iceland þann sama dag.Markaðsviðskipti Arion banka höfðu umsjón með útgáfu og sölu skuldabréfanna.Nánari upplýsingar veita:Hrafn Steinarsson, Markaðsviðskiptum Arion banka hf.,;...
VINCI successfully issues an inaugural €500 million Green Bond
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Rueil Malmaison, 18 November 2020VINCI successfully issues an inaugural €500 million Green BondVINCI has successfully issued an inaugural €500 million Green Bond, which is due to mature in November 2028, with a coupon rate of 0%. More than five times oversubscribed, the bond issue was very well received among investors, reflecting the strong level of trust the market has not only in VINCI’s credit rating (Standard & Poor’s: A-, stable outlook, Moody’s: A3, stable outlook) but also in its ambitious environmental policy. In a very favourable market context, this operation will strengthen the average maturity of VINCI’s debt and continue to optimise its cost. Furthermore, it will enable VINCI to access a new pool of bond investors specialists of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance).The proceeds of the bond will be used for projects...
VINCI place avec succès une émission obligataire inaugurale « Green Bond » de 500 millions d’euros
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Rueil-Malmaison, le 18 novembre 2020VINCI place avec succès une émission obligataire inaugurale « Green Bond »de 500 millions d’eurosVINCI annonce le succès du placement d’une émission obligataire inaugurale « Green Bond » de 500 millions d’euros, à échéance novembre 2028, assortie d’un coupon de 0 %. Sursouscrite plus de 5 fois, cette émission a reçu un accueil très positif des investisseurs, confirmant la confiance des marchés tant dans la qualité du crédit de la société – notée A- par Standard & Poor’s avec perspective stable, et A3 par Moody’s avec perspective stable – que dans sa politique environnementale ambitieuse. Dans un contexte de marché très favorable, cette opération permet à VINCI de conforter la maturité moyenne de sa dette et de poursuivre l’optimisation de son coût. De plus, elle permet à VINCI d’accéder...
Lifeway Foods Applauds Recent Scientific Review Highlighting Kefir as a Potential Protective Dietary Supplementation Against Viral Infection
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MORTON GROVE, Ill., Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) (“Lifeway” or “the Company”), the leading U.S. supplier of kefir and fermented probiotic products to support the microbiome commends the recent review published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy where it posits the probiotics in kefir have immune supporting properties that may be of benefit against infections, including COVID-19.With the world awaiting a vaccine to combat the novel coronavirus, consumer demand for products and methods to boost the immune system and suppress viral infections is on the rise. The review discusses the following about kefir, the fermented milk made from kefir grains:Kefir and kefir derivatives can suppress viral activity by modulating immune-system responses and/or causing disruption of viral adhesion [26,27].The...
Sonoro Launches Metallurgical Testing at Cerro Caliche
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sonoro Gold Corp. (TSXV: SGO | OTCQB: SMOFF | FRA: 23SP) (“Sonoro” or the “Company”) announces that it has retained McClelland Laboratories Inc. of Sparks, Nevada to conduct independent metallurgical testing of the gold mineralization at the Cerro Caliche gold project in Sonora State, Mexico. As part of the Company’s strategy to fast-track the development of a Heap Leach Mining Operation (HLMO) at Cerro Caliche, over 5,500 kilograms of mineralized material from ten 85-mm diameter PQ core holes are being shipped to the laboratory for metallurgical testing. With continuing success from the ongoing drilling program, Sonoro’s management has expanded its development plans from the previously announced pilot level project to assess the economic viability of a proposed 8,000...
Prospect Park Capital Announces Results of Shareholder Meeting
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prospect Park Capital Corp. (the “Company”) (TSXV:PPK), a public investment issuer, is pleased to announce that its shareholders have voted at the special meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) on November 16, 2020 unanimously in favour of all matters put to shareholders at the Meeting, namely, confirming the new Advance Notice By-law and approving the split of its common shares (the “Common Shares”) of the Company on the basis of up to three (3) post-split Common Shares for each one (1) pre-split Common Share (the “Split”). For more information on the matters voted on at the Meeting, please see the Company’s management information circular dated October 15, 2020, which is available on SEDAR at total number of shares represented in person or by...
Sweden borrows SEK 13 billion for 25 years at 0.53 % yield
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Sweden borrows SEK 13 billion for 25 years at 0.53 % yieldThe Swedish National Debt Office raised SEK 13 billion at a yield of 0.53 per cent in the planned sale of a new 25-year government bond. The new bond has the longest maturity of the loans that make up Sweden’s central government debt.The total order book was about SEK 44.5 billion, including 55 separate investors. The bond was issued through a syndication, whereby joint lead managers carried out the transaction at terms approved by the Debt Office. The yield was set at 14 basis points below SEK mid swaps.– With this 25-year bond we extend the yield curve for Swedish government bonds. We saw a wide interest from investors to participate in this introduction, paving the way for a successful sale and good terms for the government, says Johan Bergström, Acting Head of Funding.Terms...
Staten lånar 13 miljarder kronor på 25 år till 0,53 % ränta
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Staten lånar 13 miljarder kronor på 25 år till 0,53 % räntaRiksgälden lånade i dag upp 13 miljarder kronor till en ränta på 0,53 procent i den planerade emissionen av en ny 25-årig statsobligation. Den nya obligationen har den längsta löptiden av de lån som utgör Sveriges statsskuld.Totalt deltog 55 investerare med en budvolym på 44,5 miljarder kronor i emissionen som genomfördes som en syndikering. Det innebär att en grupp banker sålde obligationen till villkor som Riksgälden godkänt. Obligationen prissattes till 14 baspunkter under den svenska swappräntan.– Med den 25-åriga obligationen förlänger vi räntekurvan för svenska statsobligationer. Intresset för att delta i introduktionen var stort, vilket bidrog till en förmånlig prissättning för staten säger Johan Bergström, tillförordnad upplåningschef på Riksgälden.LånevillkorFördelning...
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION TO ANY U.S. PERSON OR IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES (EACH AS DEFINED IN REGULATION S UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED) OR IN OR INTO CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA OR IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO RELEASE, PUBLISH OR DISTRIBUTE THIS PRESS RELEASE.UBISOFT SUCCESSFULLY PRICES A €600 MILLION BOND ISSUEDownload the Press ReleaseParis, November 18, 2020 – Ubisoft today successfully priced a €600m, 7-year (due in November 2027) bond issue, with an annual coupon of 0.878%. The order book reached an amount approaching €3bn and was nearly 5 times oversubscribed.The success of this transaction illustrates investors’ strong confidence in Ubisoft’s group strategy and credit profile.The net proceeds of the bond will be used for general corporate purposes as well as potential...
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CE DOCUMENT N’EST PAS DESTINE A ETRE COMMUNIQUE, PUBLIE OU DIFFUSE, AUX ETATS UNIS OU A UNE « U.S. PERSON » (TELS QUE DEFINIS DANS LA « REGULATION S » EN VERTU DU U.S. SECURITIES ACT DE 1933, TEL QUE MODIFIE) AU CANADA, EN AUSTRALIE, AU JAPON OU DANS UN QUELCONQUE PAYS DANS LEQUEL LA COMMUNICATION, PUBLICATION OU DIFFUSION DU PRESENT COMMUNIQUE EST ILLEGALE.UBISOFT PLACE AVEC SUCCES UNE EMISSION OBLIGATAIRE DE 600 MILLIONS D’EUROSTélécharger le communiquéParis, 18 novembre 2020 – Ubisoft a placé aujourd’hui avec succès une émission obligataire d’un montant total de 600 millions d’euros à échéance 7 ans (novembre 2027), avec un coupon annuel de 0,878%. Le carnet d’ordres a atteint un montant proche des 3 milliards d’euros, soit un taux de sursouscription de près de 5 fois.La réussite de cette transaction témoigne de la profonde confiance...