Nordic Talc, a Tulikivi Corporation Subsidiary, to Initiate an EIA Procedure for the Talc Project in Suomussalmi, 19 January 2021 at 09.30 am

NORDIC TALC, A TULIKIVI CORPORATION SUBSIDIARY, TO INITIATE AN EIA PROCEDURE FOR THE TALC PROJECT IN SUOMUSSALMIAs part of the feasibility study for the talc project in Suomussalmi, Tulikivi Corporation’s subsidiary Nordic Talc Oy has decided to initiate an environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA procedure). The procedure will assess the environmental impact of the quarry and talc enrichment plant planned for the site. The planned surface mine is located in the Haaponen deposit, which is a part of Tulikivi’s mining district in Suomussalmi. The planned capacity of the enrichment plant is approximately 125 000 tonnes of talc per year. The EIA procedure will be carried out with Afry Finland Oy and will commence in January 2021. The objective of the Tulikivi Corporation subsidiary Nordic Talc Oy is the industrial exploitation of Tulikivi’s talc deposits in the Suomussalmi mining district. The Suomussalmi talc project’s profitability, environmental and mining plans will be further specified for industrial operations in a feasibility study.It is too early to evaluate whether the project will be carried out or to estimate its financial impacts.TULIKIVI CORPORATIONBoard of Directors
Further information: Heikki Vauhkonen, Managing Director, tel. +358 (0)207 636 555,
Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd, key media, www.tulikivi.comAttachmentTulikivi Oyjn tytäryhtiö Nordic Talc käynnistää Suomussalmen talkkihankkeen YVA-menettelyn-EN-B