Day: January 18, 2021
FORT COLLINS, Colo., Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Woodward, Inc. (NASDAQ: WWD) announced today that it expects to report its fiscal 2021 first quarter financial results at approximately 4:00 p.m. EST on Monday, February 1, 2021. A news release will be issued at that time and a conference call will be held at 4:30 p.m. EST.During the conference call, the company will provide an overview of its business and financial performance. You are invited to listen to the call live via the company’s website,, on February 1, 2021. The call and presentation will be available on the website by selecting “Investors/Calendar of Events” from the menu and will remain accessible on the company’s website for 14 days.You may also listen to the call by dialing 1-877-231-2582 (domestic) or 1-478-219-0714 (international). Participants...
Chart Industries Announces Transfer to the New York Stock Exchange
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ATLANTA, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chart Industries, Inc. (“Chart”) today announced that it intends to transfer the listing of its common stock to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) from the NASDAQ stock exchange effective February 1, 2021. Chart’s common stock will continue to trade under the ticker symbol GTLS. The stock will continue to trade on the NASDAQ until the transfer is complete. The transfer is expected to be seamless for the Company’s investors and shareholders.“We are pleased to join the NYSE, the world’s largest stock exchange with world-class listed companies, to further reach global investors and shareholders,” stated Jill Evanko, Chart’s CEO and President. “With four of our top five customers also listed on the NYSE, we believe this will enhance our exposure to them and further develop new and existing...
MasterCraft Boat Company Launches Digital Boat Show Experience to Connect with Consumers Amidst Dynamic Boat Show Season
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VONORE, Tenn., Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MasterCraft Boat Company (NASDAQ: MCFT) today announced the launch of a fully digital, immersive experience aimed at engaging with consumers in this dynamic boat show season. This digital platform, named the MasterCraft Experience Digital Boat Show, bridges the gap between consumers seeking a safe, flexible avenue to research the MasterCraft brand and its award-winning line-up, and our dealer partners looking to connect with consumers as the season quickly approaches. The 360-degree environment is stocked-full of new content including behind-the-scenes videos of the MasterCraft headquarters, exclusive model walkthrough videos and detailed brand and model information to ensure inspired and informed decisions for the boat-buying process. About MasterCraft:MasterCraft is a world-renowned...
MAG Silver Announces the Appointment of Jill Neff as Corporate Secretary
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MAG Silver Corp. (TSX / NYSE American: MAG) (“MAG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Jill Neff has joined the Company as Corporate Secretary. Ms. Neff has over 16 years of corporate secretarial, corporate governance and securities regulatory experience, 12 of those years specifically with public companies in the mining industry. Most recently, Ms. Neff served as Corporate Secretary of Sierra Metals Inc., a position which she held since 2013. Prior to that, she was Corporate Secretary for a number of other publicly listed companies, including WPC Resources Inc. (now Blue Star Gold Corp.) and TTM Resources Inc. Ms. Neff completed the Paralegal Diploma Program at Capilano University in 2004 and began her career as a Securities Paralegal in national law firms...
BlueRush Increases Maximum of Proposed Private Placement Due to High Demand
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESTORONTO, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BlueRush Inc. (“BlueRush” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: BTV), an emerging personalized video Software as a Service (“SaaS”) company, is pleased to announce that due to high demand it is increasing the maximum raise of its previously announced proposed non-brokered private placement financing to a maximum of $4,500,000 units (a “Unit” or “Units”) of the Company (the “Offering”).Accordingly, BlueRush now proposes to raise gross pursuant to the Offering proceeds of a minimum of $2,000,000 and a maximum of $4,500,000 through the issuance of a minimum of 19,047,619 Units and a maximum of 42,857,142 Units at $0.105 per Unit. Each Unit shall consist of (i) one (1) common share of the Company, and (ii)...
Quantum Genomics Launches Phase III Pivotal REFRESH Study in Difficult-to-treat/Resistant Hypertension with Once-a-day Formulation of Firibastat
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PARIS and NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantum Genomics (Euronext Growth – FR0011648971 – ALQGC), a biopharmaceutical company specializing in developing a new drug class that directly targets the brain to treat difficult-to-treat and resistant hypertension and heart failure today announced the launch of its Phase III REFRESH study in difficult-to-treat(1) or resistant(2) hypertension.This new study is part of firibastat’s Phase III clinical development and aims to assess long-term safety as well as the three-month efficacy after a single daily dose of firibastat 1000mg in treatment resistant hypertensive patients.“We are thrilled to launch this new pivotal study as a precursor to potential market approval of single dose firibastat, which we believe to be the best regimen for chronic treatment of resistant...
Cameco fournit la date pour la publication des résultats du quatrième trimestre et la téléconférence
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SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, 18 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cameco (TSX : CCO; NYSE: CCJ) publiera ses résultats financiers et d’exploitation consolidés du quatrième trimestre et de l’année avant l’ouverture des marchés le mercredi 10 février 2021.Cameco invite les investisseurs et les médias à participer à sa conférence téléphonique du quatrième trimestre avec les principaux dirigeants de l’entreprise, le mercredi 10 février 2021 à 8 h (heure de l’Est).Cameco discutera des tendances du marché et de la mise en œuvre de sa stratégie avant de répondre aux questions des investisseurs et des médias.Pour y participer, veuillez composer le 1 800 319-4610 (sans frais au Canada et aux États-Unis) ou le 1 604 638-5340. Votre appel sera pris en charge par un opérateur. La conférence téléphonique sera diffusée...
Reginn hf. – Tilkynning frá Tilnefningarnefnd Regins hf.
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Tilnefningarnefnd Regins hf. auglýsir eftir framboðum og tilnefningum til stjórnar Regins fyrir aðalfund félagsins sem haldinn verður miðvikudaginn 10. mars 2021.Vakin er athygli á því að frestur til að skila inn framboðum til nefndarinnar er til föstudagsins 29. janúar 2021 og skal senda þær á Tilnefningar nefndarinnar um stjórn félagsins verða birtar samhliða birtingu fundarboðs aðalfundar, sem samkvæmt samþykktum félagsins er boðað til með skemmst þriggja vikna fyrirvara.Frekari upplýsingar má finna á vefsíðu félagsins Regins hf.
enCore Energy Corp. Presents at Noble Capital Markets Conference
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — enCore Energy Corp. (TSXV: EU; OTCQX:ENCUF) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company’s Chair, William M. Sheriff and the Chief Executive Officer, W. Paul Goranson, will present at NobleCon17 – Noble Capital Markets’ Seventeenth Annual Investor Conference on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 9:45 AM (EST). The conference is virtual, and available at no cost by registering at: high-definition, video webcast of the presentation will be available the following day on the Company’s website and as a part of a complete catalog of presentations to be rebroadcast on Channelchek ( next month.About enCore Energy Corp.enCore Energy Corp. is U.S. domestic uranium developer focused on becoming a leading in-situ...
ADLPartner : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 11 au 15 janvier 2021
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ADLPartnerSociété anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance au capital de 6 478 836 euros3, avenue de Chartres 60500 – CHANTILLY393 376 801 R.C.S. CompiègneDéclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 11 au 15 janvier 2021Présentation agrégée par jour et par marchéDétail transaction par transactionRelations Investisseurs & Informations financièresTel : +33 1 41 58 72 03 – Courriel : relations.investisseurs@adlpartner.frADLPartner est cotée sur Euronext Paris – Compartiment CCodes ISIN : FR0000062978-ALP – Bloomberg : ALP FP – Reuters : ALDP.PAwww.adlpartner.comPièce jointeADLPartner_rachats_actions_18012021