Month: January 2021
LA JOLLA, Calif., Jan. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MediciNova, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company traded on the NASDAQ Global Market (NASDAQ:MNOV) and the JASDAQ Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Code Number: 4875), today announced the closing of the previously announced private placement transaction under a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated January 11, 2021, pursuant to which MediciNova issued US$20 million in shares of its common stock to 3D Opportunity Master Fund, a fund managed by 3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd. (“3D”).MediciNova intends to use the proceeds received from the private placement primarily for the following three programs:1) To initiate a new clinical trial of MN-166 (ibudilast) for glioblastoma, which could be a pivotal trial.2) To develop an intravenous formulation of MN-166 (ibudilast), which is ideal for...
Update to 01/26/21 COVI-MSC™ Press Release: Fourth Patient Also Released From Hospital Following Third Infusion of Stem Cells
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Fourth patient, who spent more than two weeks in hospital and needed invasive mechanical ventilation, was treated with COVI-MSC starting Monday (January 25, 2021) and discharged last Friday (January 29, 2021) after 3rd COVI-MSC infusionTo date, 4/4 ICU COVID-19 patients were discharged after COVI-MSC TreatmentsSAN DIEGO, Jan. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRNE, “Sorrento”) announced today additional positive results from its Phase 1b study of human allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (COVI-MSC™) for patients suffering from COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress (ARD) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This ongoing study (PSC-CP-004) is a single arm, non-randomized Phase 1b study of the safety and preliminary efficacy of COVI-MSCs administered every other...
Cameco Increases Interest in Global Laser Enrichment
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SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Jan. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) marked the successful closure today of the binding Membership Interest Purchase Agreement (MIPA) between Cameco Corporation, Silex Systems Limited (Silex) and GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy, completing the ownership restructuring of Global Laser Enrichment LLC (GLE).With the restructuring, Cameco’s interest in GLE increases from 24% to 49%, with Silex acquiring the remaining 51%. Cameco is the commercial lead for the project and has an option to attain a majority interest of up to 75% ownership in GLE.GLE is the exclusive licensee of the proprietary SILEX laser enrichment technology, third-generation uranium enrichment technology that is in the development phase.“We are pleased to play a growing role with Silex in the GLE partnership and to support...
UPP Olaines OÜ consolidated unaudited financial results for Q4 and 12 months of 2020
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Management commentary for the 12 months of 2020Net rental income was 2 637 007 euros for the 12 months of 2020 (2019 12 months: 2 589 379). Operating profit was 2 482 439 euros for the 12 months of 2020 (2019 12 months: 2 649 256). Net income was 1 370 964 euros for the 12 months of 2020 (2019 6 months: 1 399 103).The company’s sole business activity is to collect rental revenue, manage the Olaine property and service its liabilities to lenders and investors. Liabilities include the subordinated bonds with a fixed interest rate and the investment loan which’ rate is also fixed with an interest rate swap agreement. On the revenue side the company earns stable triple-net rental income from reputable tenants, which is fixed with medium-term agreements but is subject to indexation. Due to the economically fixed nature of the company, there...
UPP Olaines OÜ 2020. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu konsolideeritud auditeerimata vahearuanne
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2020. aasta neljanda kvartali ning kogu majandusaasta finantsülevaadeGrupi 2020 12 kuu neto renditulu oli 2 637 007 (2019 12 kuud: 2 589 379) eurot. Ärikasum sama perioodi eest oli 2 482 439 (2019 12 kuud: 2 649 256) eurot ja puhaskasum 1 370 964 (2019 12 kuud: 1 399 103) eurot.Grupi äritegevuseks on renditulu kogumine, kinnisvaraobjekti haldamine ning laenukohustuste teenindamine. Laenukohustused moodustavad fikseeritud intressiga võlakirjad ning investeerimislaen, mille intress on samuti intressituletuslepinguga fikseeritud. Tulude poolel on stabiilne triple-net renditulu tugevatelt rentnikelt, mis on põhiosas fikseeritud kesk-pikkade lepingutega ning mida indekseeritakse vastavalt inflatsioonile. Tulenevalt Grupi äritegevusest on tema majandustegevus ja finantstulemused üldiselt raskesti mõjutatavad erinevate väliste tegurite poolt.2020....
Kaldalón hf.: Sala á fasteignaverkefni
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Kaldalón hf. Sala á fasteignaverkefni í Hnoðraholti í GarðabæÞróunarfélagið Hnoðraholt ehf., dótturfélag Kaldalóns hf., hefur undirritað kaupsamning við Reir Verk ehf. um sölu á uppbyggingaverkefni félagsins í landi Smárahvamms (Hnoðraholti) í Garðabæ þar sem skipulagstillaga gerir ráð fyrir byggingu allt að 200 íbúða. Kaupsamningurinn er gerður með ýmsum fyrirvörum, svo sem endanlegu samþykki stjórna samningsaðila og stjórnar Kaldalóns hf. Einnig eru fyrirvarar um samþykki fjármögnunaraðila.Salan tekur til þess hluta verkefnisins sem ætlaður er fyrir íbúðarhúsnæði. Þar fyrir utan heldur Kaldalón áfram á þeim hluta verkefnisins sem ætlaður er fyrir atvinnuhúsnæði, en þau verðmæti hafa óveruleg áhrif.Uppgjör í samræmi við kaupsamninginn mun að mati stjórnenda Kaldalóns hf. leiða til þess að verðmæti eignarhluta Kaldalóns hf. í Þróunarfélagi...
Awilco Drilling PLC: CEO resigns from Awilco Drilling
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Awilco Drilling PLC announces that Jens Berge, Chief Executive Officer, has decided to leave the Company with effect from 1 February to pursue other opportunities. Eric Jacobs, General Counsel in the Awilhelmsen Group, will act as interim Chief Executive Officer until the Board of Directors appoints a permanent replacement.“The Board would like to thank Jens Berge for his contributions during the past two years as Awilco Drilling’s CEO and understands his decision to be relieved from his position to pursue other opportunities. We wish Jens Berge all the best in the future.” says Mr Sigurd E. Thorvildsen, Chairman of the Board of Awilco Drilling PLC.“With the cancellation of Awilco Drilling’s newbuild rigs, I feel that the prerequisites for my role have changed significantly. The Company has reached a crossroads and I have...
Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med EAC Invest A/S’ aktier og tilknyttede værdipapirer – Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 5/2021
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København, 30. januar 2021I henhold til artikel 19 i EU Regulativ nr. 596/2014 af 16. april 2014 skal EAC Invest A/S indberette oplysninger om ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med EAC Invest A/S’ aktier og tilknyttede værdipapirer.Detaljer fremgår af vedhæftede.Med venlig hilsen,EAC Invest A/SFor yderligere informationMartin Thaysen, CEO, Telefon: +45 3525 4300, e-mail investorinformation@eac.dkVedhæftet filPDMR – Olav W. Hansen AS – 28.01.2021
Signature d’un protocole d’investissement et de cession relatif aux titres des sociétés Crozaloc et Videlio
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Signature d’un protocole d’investissement et de cession relatif aux titres des sociétés Crozaloc et VidelioAprès levée des conditions suspensives, ces opérations sur titres Crozaloc et Videlio seraient suivies du dépôt d’une Offre Publique d’Achat Simplifiée sur le solde des actions de VidelioParis le 29 janvier 2021Talis et Comir, actionnaires historiques de Crozaloc, holding de contrôle de la société Videlio, annoncent avoir signé ce jour avec un consortium d’investisseurs conduit par Hivest Capital Partners à travers son fonds Hivest I FPCI (le « Consortium »), un protocole d’investissement et de cession relatif aux titres des sociétés Crozaloc et Videlio (le « Protocole »).Crozaloc détient à ce jour 16.994.438 actions Videlio soit 65,11% du capital et 66,88% des droits de vote de la société Videlio. Par ailleurs,...
Neurogine Capital takes legal action against Emas Fintech
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Labuan, Malaysia, Jan 29, 2021 – Neurogine Capital (L) Ltd, the developer and operator of Neurogine nTrade®, a money broking platform, has commenced civil proceedings against Emas Fintech Inc. (Emas Fintech). According Neurogine Capital managing director Chen Chee Peng, the suit (WA-23CY-4-01/2021) was filed earlier this week. Neurogine Capital is represented by its legal counsel, Messrs Anton & Chen.
“Earlier this month, we have communicated to Emas Fintech and its chief executive officer Jason Kellady to immediately cease the continuous damage being inflicted to the reputation and good standing of Neurogine Capital,” said Chen. ”This includes the unauthorised use of our brand and logo to mislead the public, falsely portraying as if Neurogine Capital’s guaranteeing extraordinary returns and other claims. This suit is our next step...