Day: November 5, 2020
TORONTO, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Caldas Gold Corp. (TSX-V: CGC; OTCQX: ALLXF) announced today that it has entered into a definitive Precious Metals Purchase Agreement (the “Precious Metals Stream”) with Wheaton Precious Metals International Ltd. (“Wheaton International”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wheaton Precious Metals™ Corp., in respect to the Company’s Marmato Project located in Colombia. The Marmato Project comprises an existing operating mine (the “Upper Mine”) and the Marmato Deeps Zone (“MDZ”) development, both of which are covered by the Precious Metals Stream. Scotiabank acted as financial advisor to Caldas Gold.Wheaton International will purchase 6.5% of the gold production and 100% of the silver production from the Marmato Project until 190,000 ounces of gold and 2.15 million ounces of silver have been delivered,...
Pretivm Streamlines Management Structure
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pretium Resources Inc. (TSX/NYSE: PVG) (“Pretivm” or the “Company”) announces that, as part of an effort to streamline its management structure, Michelle Romero, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, will be departing the Company in December and that John Hayes, Senior Vice President, Business Development and Investor Relations will be departing the Company on November 6, 2020.Ms. Romero joined Pretivm in 2011 shortly after its initial public offering and was responsible for the Company’s communications. Ms. Romero’s responsibilities increased in step with Pretivm’s growth and she played a key role in the negotiation of benefits agreements and the permitting of the Brucejack Mine. With the advent of production, Ms. Romero assumed the role of...
BRP Group, Inc. to Acquire Insgroup, Inc.
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– Adds $38.51Million of Annualized Revenues, Representing BRP Group’s Largest Announced Partnership to Date –– Significantly Expands BKS Partners’ Middle Market Presence in Texas and Specifically Houston, the Fastest Growing Top 20 MSA in the Country –– Strong Track Record of Growth; +31%2YoY revenue growth in 2019 –– Brings BRP Group’s Total Annualized Revenues from 2020 Announced Partnerships to $120 Million3–TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BRP Group, Inc. (“BRP Group” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: BRP), a rapidly growing independent insurance distribution firm delivering tailored insurance solutions, today announced that Baldwin Krystyn Sherman Partners, LLC (“BKS Partners”), the middle-market subsidiary of BRP Group, has entered into an agreement to acquire all of the...
Genocea to Host Investor Call Highlighting New GEN-009 Clinical and Immunogenicity Data to be Presented at Virtual SITC 2020
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Genocea Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: GNCA), a biopharmaceutical company developing next-generation neoantigen immunotherapies, will host an investor call with a live Q&A on Monday, November 9th at 8:30 a.m. EST to provide additional details on the clinical and immune response data from the remaining GEN-009 Part B patients to be shared at the 35th Annual Meeting of The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2020) taking place virtually November 9th – 14th.Genocea’s Chief Executive Officer Chip Clark, Chief Medical Officer Thomas Davis, M.D. and Chief Scientific Officer, Jessica Flechtner, will provide additional context around the following GEN-009 poster presentations:Abstract Number: 390Title: Emerging safety and activity data from GEN-009-101: A phase 1/2a trial of GEN-009,...
Founders Advantage Provides Transaction Update
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CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Founders Advantage Capital Corp. (TSX-V: FCF) (“FAC” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a subscription agreement with Belkorp Industries Inc. (“Belkorp”), whereby Belkorp has agreed to purchase 4,285,714 class A common shares of the Corporation (the “Private Placement”) for aggregate gross proceeds of $7.5 million (being a price of $1.75 per share). Further to the proposed acquisition of Dominion Lending Centres (the “Proposed Acquisition”), which transaction was previously announced by the Corporation on October 5, 2020 (the “Initial Reorganization Press Release”), the proceeds from the Private Placement will be used by the Corporation to fund cash portion of the Inversion Right Termination Transaction (as defined in the Initial Reorganization...
Ingredion Incorporated报告2020年第三季度业绩
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2020年第三季度报告和调整后每股收益(EPS*)分别为1.36美元和1.77美元,2019年第三季度的这两项数据分别为1.47美元和1.86美元2020年年初至今,报告和调整后每股收益分别为3.45美元和4.50美元,而上年同期分别为4.51美元和5.06美元公司预期通过收购100%所有权增加对Verdient Foods Inc.的投资,进一步增强其植物性蛋白质产品组合伊利诺伊州威彻斯特, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 面向食品和饮料生产业的全球领先原料解决方案提供商 Ingredion Incorporated(NYSE:INGR)今天公布了2020年第三季度业绩。业绩数据依据2020年和2019年美国公认会计原则(GAAP)列报,含公司报告的非GAAP财务指标之外项目。“我们对第三季度的运营执行和财务业绩感到满意。2020年第二季度,由于新冠肺炎抗疫限制措施放松,消费者活动增加,我们所有四个地区的客户需求量均出现了连续增长,”Ingredion总裁兼首席执行官 Jim Zallie 表示。“报告和调整后营业收入分别比第二季度增长35%和41%。我们高度专注于服务客户和运营执行,使我们能够在大部分地区实现利润的同比增长。”“在继续应对世界各地不同经济环境的同时,我们仍专注于员工的适应力、对我们运营所在社区的责任,以及为服务客户而确保务连续性。我们的团队在与客户共同推进走向市场战略方面表现出了极大的灵活性和创造力,我为他们感到无比自豪。作为新的工作方式,我们正在利用新形式的数字协作进行沟通、创新,以及与客户共同创造。我们正在将世界各地的Idea Labs转移到虚拟互动工作室,以将创新流程带给客户,无论他们身处任何地方,”Zallie继续说道。“今天,我们宣布了推进我们驱动增长路线图的又一项战略步骤:正在进行的对Verdient Foods Inc.的收购,这将使我们的所有权达到100%。这一交易促进我们加速净销售额增长,进一步扩大制造能力,并更好地管理我们的供应网络,以满足对植物性蛋白质不断增长的需求。本季度,我们还通过整合PureCircle的全球团队和运营,进一步增强了我们的减糖能力。”“我们处于有利地位,能够有效地管理疫情带来的不确定性,并成功地支持我们的客户及其不断变化的需求。对企业战略的切合性我们继续抱有信心,相信我们的战略能够促进业务增长并为股东创造价值,”Zallie总结道。*调整后的摊薄每股收益(“调整后每股收益”)、调整后营业收入、调整后实际所得税率和调整后经营业务现金流量均为非GAAP财务指标。请参阅本新闻稿中随附的简明合并财务报表后题为“非GAAP信息”的补充财务信息第II节,以便根据最具直接可比性的美国公认会计原则指标调整这些非GAAP指标。摊薄每股收益...
Ingredion Incorporated 2020 年第三季度業績報告
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2020 年第三季度報告及調整後 EPS* 分別為 1.36 美元及 1.77 美元,而 2019 年第三季度分別為 1.47 美元及 1.86 美元。2020 年迄今報告和調整後的 EPS 分別為 3.45 美元及 4.5 美元,而去年同期分別為 4.51 美元及 5.06 美元公司預期透過收購 100% 的所有權來增加公司對 Verdient Food Inc. Inc. 的投資,進一步加強其植物性蛋白質的產品組合伊利諾伊州威斯特徹斯特郡, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球領先的食品和飲品製造業配料解決方案供應商 Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR) 今日公告了 2020 年第三季度的業績。該結果根據 2020 年及 2019 年美國公認會計原則(「GAAP」)報告,包括從公司提供的非公認會計 (non-GAAP) 原則財務指標中排除的項目。「我們對第三季度的營運行政及財務表現感到滿意。Ingredion 主席兼行政總裁 Jim Zallie 說:「在 2020 年第二季度,由於消費者為應對新冠肺炎的限制而增加活動,我們的客戶數量需求出現了連續改善。報告及調整後的營業收入分別比第二季度增長了 35% 和 41%。我們專注於服務客戶及營運執行,讓我們公司能夠在大部分地區實現逐年的利潤增長。」Zallie 又繼續說:「隨著我們持續在世界各地駕馭不同的經濟環境,我們一直專注員工的應對能力、對我們營運所在社區負責,並確保客戶的業務連續性。我們的團隊展現卓越的靈活性及創造力,讓我們與客戶能合力促進市場策略,我亦為他們深感自豪。作為新工作方式的一部分,我們正在利用新的數碼合作形式與客戶聯繫、創新以及共同創作。在世界各地,我們正在將公司的 Idea Labs 轉移到虛擬互動工作室,讓我們的客戶無論身在何處,都可為他們帶來創新流程。」Zallie 總結說:「今天,我們宣佈了另一項策略性步驟,就是透過收購...
Green Brick Partners Named to Fortune’s Annual 100 Fastest Growing Companies List
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PLANO, Texas, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Green Brick Partners, Inc. (Nasdaq: GRBK) (“Green Brick”) is pleased to announce that it has been named to Fortune’s 2020 list of 100 Fastest Growing Companies in the world for the second consecutive year.To qualify for the list, companies must meet a rigorous set of qualifying factors and are then ranked by revenue growth rate, EPS (earnings per share) growth rate, and three-year annualized total return for the period ended June 30, 2020. Overall rankings are then determined based on the sum of the three rankings.The prestigious honor was awarded to Green Brick due in part to a 3-year annual revenue growth rate of 27%, placing the company 55th overall, up from 93rd place in 2019. The company also reported a 40% EPS 3-year annual growth rate.“We are exceedingly pleased to be included...
Penn Virginia Reports Third Quarter 2020 Results
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HOUSTON, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Penn Virginia Corporation (“Penn Virginia” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:PVAC) today announced its financial and operational results for the third quarter 2020.Recent Significant HighlightsEntered into strategic agreements with certain affiliates of Juniper Capital Advisors, L.P. (“Juniper”) whereby Juniper would acquire equity in Penn Virginia for (1) a cash investment of $150 million and (2) the contribution of $38.4 million of complementary oil and gas assets;Generated net cash provided by operating activities of $61 million and free cash flow (“FCF”)(1) of $34 million for the third quarter of 2020;Sold 18,383 barrels of oil per day (“BOPD”) and 24,295 barrels of oil equivalent per day (“BOEPD”) for the third quarter...
Ero Copper Reports Third Quarter Results
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(all amounts in US dollars, unless otherwise noted)VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ero Copper Corp. (the “Company”) (TSX: ERO) today is pleased to announce its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020. Management will host a conference call tomorrow, Friday, November 6, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time to discuss the results. Dial-in details for the call can be found near the end of this press release.HIGHLIGHTSThird quarter copper production of 10,961 tonnes of copper;New record quarterly C1 cash costs* of $0.63 per pound of copper produced ($0.65 per pound in Q2 2020) contributing to record quarterly cash flow from operations of $44.4 million during the three month period ended September 30, 2020;Increasing gold and silver production at the NX Gold Mine totalling 9,436...