Day: November 4, 2020
Við birtingu árshlutauppgjörs félagsins fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung ársins 2020, sem birt var með tilkynningu til markaðarins þann 29. október sl., vantaði nöfn stjórnarmanna og forstjóra inn í árshlutareikning samstæðunnar á bls. 4, en reikningurinn var birtur sem viðhengi með tilkynningunni. Leiðrétt eintak árshlutareiknings er hér í viðhengi.ViðhengiÁrshlutareikningur Sjóvá 30.09.2020 leiðr. 4.11.
Ress Life Investments A/S: Ress Life Investments A/S publishes portfolio data as per 30 September 2020
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Ress Life Investments A/SHolbergsgade 14, 2 tvDK-1057 Copenhagen KDenmarkCVR nr. 33593163resslifeinvestments.comTo: Nasdaq CopenhagenDate: 4 November 2020Corporate Announcement 40/2020Ress Life Investments A/S publishes portfolio data as per 30 September 2020Ress Life Investments A/S hereby publishes portfolio overview for the benefit of the company’s shareholders.Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company’s AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.Contact person:Gustaf Hagerudgustaf.hagerud@resscapital.comTel + 46 8 545 282 09Note: The terms for subscription of shares, minimum subscription amount and redemption of shares are provided in the Articles of Association, Information Brochure and in the Key Investment Information Document (KIID) available on the Company’s website, per 30 September...
FRP Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FRPH) Announces Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FRP Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ-FRPH) Third Quarter Consolidated Results of OperationsNet income for the third quarter of 2020 was $5,455,000 or $.57 per share versus $2,001,000 or $.20 per share in the same period last year. The third quarter of 2020 was impacted by the following items:Interest expense decreased $83,000 as we capitalized more interest on our joint venture construction projects.Loss on joint ventures increased $1,042,000 primarily due to operating loss at the Maren due to leasing efforts.Gain on sale of $5,732,000 from the sale of our building at 1801 62nd Street and the sale of 87 acres of our Ft. Myers property compared to $126,000 in the same period last year.Loss from discontinued operations for the third quarter of 2019 was ($13,000) or $.00 per share. The third...
NEURONES: Organic growth up 4.9% in 3rd quarter 2020
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PRESS INFORMATIONHeading: 3rd quarter 2020 revenues Nanterre, November 4, 2020 (after the closing of the stock exchange)Organic growth up 4.9% in 3rd quarter 2020AchievementsIn the 3rd quarter, NEURONES returned to a + 5.5% growth rate, similar to that of the 1st quarter (+ 5.1%).Over the first nine months of the year, the operating profit rate * stood at 9.7% of revenues (compared with 9.4%, excluding disposal gains, for the same period in 2019).Furthermore, a specialist in digital process automation projects (2020 annual revenues of €4.5 million) joined the group on August 1.OutlookThe effects of the health crisis proved to be more diluted over time than NEURONES had anticipated and they will also affect the coming quarters.For the year 2020 as a whole, the forecasts are therefore revised upwards a second time and are now:revenues...
NEURONES : + 4,9% de croissance organique au 3e trimestre 2020
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INFORMATION PRESSERubrique : C.A. 3e trimestre 2020 Nanterre, le 4 novembre 2020 (après Bourse)+ 4,9% de croissance organique au 3e trimestre 2020RéalisationsAu cours du 3e trimestre, NEURONES a retrouvé un rythme de croissance de + 5,5%, similaire à celui du 1er trimestre (+ 5,1%).En cumul au 30 septembre, le taux de résultat opérationnel * s’établit à 9,7% du chiffre d’affaires (à comparer à 9,4%, hors plus-value de cession, sur la même période en 2019).Par ailleurs, un spécialiste des projets digitaux d’automatisation de processus (CA annuel 2020 de 4,5 M€) a rejoint le groupe le 1er août.PerspectivesLes effets de la crise sanitaire se sont avérés plus dilués dans le temps que NEURONES ne l’avait anticipé et ils affecteront aussi les trimestres à venir.Pour l’ensemble de l’année 2020, les...
Sogeclair: 3rd quarter turnover
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Blagnac, France, November 04th 2020-5.35 pm,Montreal, CanadaTurnover over the first 9 months as of September 30th 2020: -29.2% at €94.9MSOGECLAIR, designer and manufacturer of innovative high added-value solutions for mobility, announces today its turnover for the 3rd quarter 2020. As expected it is decreasing, it stands at -40.1% compared to the 3rd quarter 2019. Exchange rate variations as of September 30th 2020 are insignificant, whereas they represented + €2.4 million as of September 30th 2019.The decline of activity linked to the consequences of Covid-19 puts an end to 10 years of continuous growth.The 2020 turnover over 9 months, declining by 29.2% compared to 2019, is equivalent to the turnover over the first 9 months of 2015. However, we note over the period a significant change in the distribution in favour:Of a better sectoral...
Sogeclair: Chiffre d’affaires du 3ème trimestre 2020
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Blagnac, France, le 04 novembre 2020-17h35,Montréal, CanadaCA 9 mois au 30 septembre 2020 : -29,2% à 94,9M€SOGECLAIR, concepteur et producteur de solutions innovantes à forte valeur ajoutée pour la mobilité, annonce aujourd’hui son chiffre d’affaires pour le 3er trimestre 2020. Comme attendu il est en baisse, celle-ci s’établit à -40,1% comparé au 3ème trimestre 2019. Les variations de change au 30 septembre 2020 sont non significatives, alors qu’elles représentaient +2,4 M€ au 30 septembre 2019.La baisse d’activité liée aux conséquences du Covid-19 met un terme à 10 années de croissance continue.Le chiffre d’affaires 2020 sur 9 mois, en baisse de 29,2% par rapport à 2019 est équivalent à celui des 9 premiers mois de 2015. A noter toutefois sur la période une évolution de la répartition notable en faveur :D’une meilleure répartition sectorielle...
Canvys – Visual Technology Solutions, Launches New Website for Custom Monitor Solutions
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LAFOX, Ill., Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — To better serve our customers, Canvys, A Division of Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL), has unveiled a newly designed website ( The English/German website offers users a streamlined, responsive design, improved navigation, and helpful resources.As an Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Canvys designs and manufactures custom monitor and All-In-One (AIO) computer solutions for various applications with core competencies in the medical and industrial markets. The new website content highlights Canvys’ industry and display technology expertise by clearly defining its display and AIO platforms and providing useful content to help guide users to the display solution that is specifically tailored for their business application...
Freddie Mac Prices $1.2 Billion Multifamily K-Deal, K-119
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MCLEAN, Va., Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) recently priced a new offering of Structured Pass-Through Certificates (K Certificates), which are backed by underlying collateral consisting of fixed-rate multifamily mortgages with predominantly 10-year terms. The company expects to issue approximately $1.2 billion in K Certificates (K-119 Certificates), which are expected to settle on or about November 13, 2020.K-119 PricingDetailsCo-Lead Managers and Joint Bookrunners: J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.Co-Managers: Bancroft Capital, LLC, Barclays Capital Inc., BofA Securities, Inc. and NatAlliance SecuritiesRating Agencies: Fitch Ratings, Inc. and Kroll Bond Rating Agency, Inc.Related LinksThe K-119 Preliminary Offering Circular Supplement:
Genmab Announces Financial Results for the First Nine Months of 2020
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November 4, 2020; Copenhagen, Denmark;Interim Report for the First Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020