Day: October 30, 2020
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RadNet, Inc. (NASDAQ: RDNT), a national leader in providing high-quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services through a network of owned and operated outpatient imaging centers, announced today that it will host a conference call to discuss its third quarter 2020 financial results on Monday, November 9th, 2020 at 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time (10:30 a.m. Eastern Time).Investors are invited to listen to RadNet’s conference call by dialing 866-248-8441. International callers can dial 786-204-3966. There will also be simultaneous and archived webcasts available at An archived replay of the call will also be available and can be accessed by dialing 844-512-2921 from the U.S., or 412-317-6671 for international callers, and using the passcode 9769738.About...
Festi hf.: Birting uppgjörs 3. ársfjórðungs 2020 þann 4. nóvember 2020
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Festi birtir uppgjör sitt fyrir 3. ársfjórðung 2020 eftir lokun markaða miðvikudaginn 4. nóvember næstkomandi.Kynningarfundur verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 5. nóvember 2020 og fer hann fram í gegnum fjarfundarbúnað vegna samkomubanns. Fundurinn hefst kl. 08:30 og er skráning á fundinn á vegna fundarins verður hægt að nálgast að honum loknum á heimasíðu Festi:
Nestlé USA acquires Freshly, a pioneer in healthy prepared meals
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This press release is also available in Français (pdf) and Deutsch (pdf)…………. Vevey, October 30, 2020Nestlé USA acquires Freshly, a pioneer in healthy prepared mealsNestlé announced today that it has acquired Freshly, one of the leading fresh-prepared meal delivery services in the U.S. The deal values Freshly at USD 950 million, with potential earnouts up to USD 550 million contingent to the successful growth of the business. This transaction was signed and closed on October 30, 2020.Founded in 2015, Freshly delivers a menu of fresh, chef-cooked meals to customers across the country, breaking down the barriers to healthy eating by delivering nutrition and convenience at scale.This move brings together Nestlé’s deep understanding of what and how people eat at home, and world class research and development...
Fronsac Announces the Closing of a Previously Announced Acquisition
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MONTREAL, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX-V: FRO.UN) Fronsac Real Estate Investment Trust (“Fronsac”) is pleased to report that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of a grocery store property operated under the Super C banner in Lavaltrie, Qc. Total consideration paid for the property was $3,150,000 (excluding transaction costs) and was settled in cash.About Fronsac – Fronsac Real Estate Investment Trust is an open-ended trust that acquires and owns high quality triple net and management-free commercial real estate properties.Forward-Looking Statements – This press release contains forward-looking statements and information as defined by applicable securities laws. Fronsac warns the reader that actual events may differ materially from current expectations due to known and unknown risks, uncertainties...
Fronsac annonce la clôture d’une acquisition précédemment annoncée
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MONTRÉAL, 30 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX – V : FRO.UN) Fiducie de Placement Immobilier Fronsac (« Fronsac ») est heureuse d’annoncer la clôture de son acquisition précédemment annoncée visant une propriété louée au marché d’alimentation Super C à Lavaltrie, Qc. La contrepartie versée est de 3 150 000$ (excluant les frais de transaction) et elle a été payée comptant.À propos de Fronsac – Fiducie de placement immobilier Fronsac est une fiducie à capital variable effectuant l’acquisition d’immeubles commerciaux dont la gestion est entièrement faite par le locataire.Énoncés prospectifs – Le présent communiqué contient des énoncés et informations prospectifs au sens des lois applicables en valeurs mobilières. Fronsac met le lecteur en garde que les évènements réels pourraient différer considérablement des attentes...
Circ re.Winding-up and Related Party Transaction
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Chrysalis VCT plc (the “Company”)LEI: 2138009FVDWULSIOX40430 October 2020Publication of Circular re. Winding-up and Related Party TransactionWinding-Up CircularIt was announced on 21 August 2020 that the Board intended to put to Shareholders a proposal for the solvent winding-up of the Company. A circular explaining the proposal for the winding-up and the actions which are required for its implementation, together with details of a proposed related party transaction, has been published and will be posted to Shareholders shortly, together with a notice of a closed General Meeting of the Company to be held at 4 p.m. on 26 November 2020.The related party transaction involves a variation to the service agreement of Chris Kay, a director of Chrysalis VCT Management Limited (“CVM”), a subsidiary of the Company. Subject...
Salisbury Bancorp, Inc. Reports Strong Results for Third Quarter 2020; Declares 29 Cent Dividend
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Third Quarter 2020 Net Income of $1.53 per Basic Common ShareCommon Equity Tier 1 and Total Capital Ratios of 12.3% and 13.6%, RespectivelyNon-Performing Assets were 0.36% of Total Assets Compared with 0.35% at December 31, 2019Book Value and Tangible Book Value Per Common Share Increased 7% and 8%, Respectively in 2020LAKEVILLE, Conn., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Salisbury Bancorp, Inc. (“Salisbury”), (NASDAQ Capital Market: “SAL”), the holding company for Salisbury Bank and Trust Company (the “Bank”), announced results for its third quarter ended September 30, 2020.Net income allocated to common shareholders was $4.3 million, or $1.53 per common share, for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 (third quarter 2020), compared with $2.7 million, or $0.96 per common share, for the second quarter ended June 30, 2020 (second quarter...
Bel Appoints Sherry Urban VP of Human Resources for Bel Fuse Inc.
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JERSEY CITY, N.J., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bel Fuse Inc. (“Bel,” or, “the Company”) (Nasdaq:BELFA and Nasdaq:BELFB), a leading supplier of products that power, protect and connect electronic circuits, today announced that Sherry Urban, a seasoned HR manager with over 30 years of corporate HR experience, has been appointed VP of Human Resources for Bel Fuse Inc. She is a certified member of HRCI and is also active with SHRM, a Washington-based think tank for HR professionals.Ms. Urban had been Director of HR for Cinch Connectivity and Bel Power Solutions, since 2014, when she joined the company through Bel’s acquisition of Emerson Network Power Connectivity Solutions from Emerson Electric, where she was Director of Human Resources since 2007. Prior to that she had been with Stratos Electric since 2000, also as Director of...
Hagar hf.:Tilkynning um framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunar
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Á aðalfundi Haga hf. sem haldinn var þann 9. júní 2020 var samþykkt að heimila félaginu að kaupa á næstu 18 mánuðum hlutabréf í félaginu fyrir allt að 10% af heildarhlutafé félagsins í þeim tilgangi að koma á viðskiptavakt með hluti í félaginu og/eða til að setja upp formlega endurkaupaáætlun, skv. 116. gr. laga um verðbréfaviðskipti eða á grundvelli 1. tölul. 3. mgr. 115. gr. og 2. mgr. 119. gr. laga um verðbréfaviðskipti og reglugerða sem settar eru á grundvelli sömu ákvæða.Stjórn Haga hf. hefur á grundvelli fyrrgreindrar samþykktar tekið ákvörðun um framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunar um kaup á eigin bréfum í þeim tilgangi að lækka útgefið hlutafé félagsins. Áætlunin mun hefjast þann 2. nóvember nk. Endurkaupin munu að hámarki nema 118.062.456 hlutum í félaginu, þó þannig að fjárhæð endurkaupanna verði aldrei meiri en 500 milljónir króna....
DraftKings Set to Launch its Mobile Sportsbook in Tennessee
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BOSTON, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DraftKings, Inc. [Nasdaq: DKNG] announced today it will officially be launching its top-rated mobile sportsbook app in Tennessee, on Nov. 1 ahead of Sunday’s full slate of football games. Tennessee will become the ninth state to offer DraftKings’ mobile and online sports betting product, more than any other legal sports betting operator in the United States. The DraftKings Sportsbook offers customers innovative, state-specific promotions and odds boosts, free-to-play pools, bet types and more.“As DraftKings Sportsbook continues to expand across America, we couldn’t be more excited for the opportunity to launch our No. 1 Rated Sportsbook product in Tennessee,” said Matt Kalish, co-founder and President, DraftKings North America. “Judging by the rabid fanbases following the local pro teams...