Day: October 29, 2020
オーストラリア、シドニー発, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — パンデミック懸念による打撃を受け、アジア太平洋地域のマネージドサービス市場は、第3四半期に14年間で最低レベルまで落ち込んだと、テクノロジー調査およびアドバイザリーの大手グローバル企業であるインフォメーション・サービシズ・グループ (ISG: Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) が最新の業界レポートで報告した。年間契約額 (ACV) 500万ドル (約5億2,500万円) 以上の商業アウトソーシング契約を測定する指標であるアジア太平洋地域ISG Index™によると、この地域のマネージドサービス市場は第3四半期に48%減の3億3,800万ドル (約354億9,000万円) と、2006年以来最低を記録した。マネージドサービスのうち、ITアウトソーシング (ITO) は50%減の2億7,700万ドル (約290億8,500万円)、ビジネス・プロセス・アウトソーシング (BPO) は32%減の6,100万ドル (約64億500万円) であった。一方、従来よりこの地域最大のソーシングけん引力であるクラウドベースサービスのACVは、第3四半期に6%増の16億ドル (約1,680億円) であった。この数字の内訳を見ると、インフラストラクチャー・アズ・ア・サービス (IaaS) が8%増の14億ドル (約1,470億円)、ソフトウェア・アズ・ア・サービス (SaaS) は8%減の2億2,200万ドル (約233億1,000万円) と、過去3年間で最低の四半期となった。アジア太平洋地域市場全体 (マネージドサービスとアズアサービスを合わせて) では、アズアサービスセグメントが全体的に成長したにも関わらず、10%減の19億7,000万ドル (約2,068億5,000万円) であった。「アジア太平洋地域では、第1四半期にクラウドベースサービスで過去最高を記録しましたが、アズアサービス市場はパンデミックの影響による投資減退を反映して、直近2四半期にわたって減少を続けています」と、パートナー兼ISGアジア太平洋地域リーダーのスコット・バーチ...
ISG Index: 아태지역 매니지드 서비스 시장 14년래 최저치 기록
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기업들이 코로나19에 따른 우려로 클라우드 기반 서비스로 전환하면서 ITO와 BPO 시장 둔화호주 시드니, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 팬데믹 우려로 인한 여파에 따라 3분기 아시아·태평양 지역 매니지드 서비스 시장 규모가 14년래 최저치를 기록했다고 글로벌 기술 연구 및 자문 기업인 Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III)이 보고서를 통해 밝혔다.연간 계약금액(ACV) 500만 달러 이상의 아웃소싱 상업 계약 규모를 집계하는 Asia Pacific ISG Index™에 따르면 역내 매니지스 서비스 시장 당기 ACV는 전년 동기 대비 48% 하락한 3억 3,800만 달러로 2006년 이후 가장 낮은 수치를 기록했다. 매니지드 서비스 가운데 정보 기술 아웃소싱(ITO) 분야는 50% 하락한 2억 7,700만 달러, 비즈니스 프로세스 아웃소싱(BPO) 분야는 32% 하락한 6,100만 달러를 나타냈다.한편, 전통적으로 역내 소싱 분야 호조세를 주도해 온 압도적인 분야인 클라우드 기반 서비스의 ACV는 3분기에 6% 상승한 16억 달러를 기록했다. 서비스 형태 인프라(IaaS)는 8% 증가한 14억 달러를 나타냈으며, 소프트웨어 형태 서비스(SaaS)는 8% 하락한 2억 2,200만 달러를 기록하며 3년래 가장 낮은 수치를 나타냈다.아태지역 통합 시장(매니지드 서비스 및 서비스화 분야)의 당기 ACV는 서비스화 분야의 전반적인 성장에도 불구하고 10% 하락한 19억 7,000만 달러를 기록했다.스캇 버치(Scott Bertsch) ISG 아태지부장 겸 파트너는 “아태지역 시장은 올해 1분기 클라우드 기반 서비스...
ISG Index: Perkhidmatan Terurus Mengalami Prestasi Terendah dalam Tempoh 14 Tahun di Asia Pasifik
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SYDNEY, Australia, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dibebani kebimbangan pandemik, pasaran perkhidmatan terurus di Asia Pasifik jatuh pada suku tahun ketiga kepada tahap yang paling rendah dalam tempoh 14 tahun, menurut laporan daripada Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), peneraju firma penyelidikan dan penasihat teknologi global.Asia Pacific ISG Index™ yang mengukur kontrak penyumberan komersial dengan nilai kontrak tahunan (ACV) yang bernilai US $5 juta atau lebih, menunjukkan pasaran perkhidmatan terurus menjunam 48 peratus pada suku tahun ketiga kepada US $338 juta, prestasi terburuknya sejak 2006. Dalam perkhidmatan terurus, penyumberan teknologi maklumat (ITO) telah menurun 50 peratus, kepada US $277 juta dan penyumberan proses perniagaan (BPO), menurun 32 peratus kepada US $61 juta.Sementara itu, ACV untuk perkhidmatan...
Quadient Obtains ISS ESG’s “Prime” Recognition for Its Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
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Quadient Obtains ISS ESG’s “Prime” Recognition for Its Commitment to Corporate Social ResponsibilityParis, October 29, 2020Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT), a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announced today that it has once again achieved “Prime” status by ISS ESG in recognition of its activities related to various environmental, social and corporate governance indicators. ISS ESG is the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS).Quadient first obtained “Prime” status in 2017. This status is given to companies with an ESG performance above the sector-specific prime threshold. Quadient’s 2020 results reflect its commitment and continuous efforts to corporate social responsibility (CSR).In 2019, Quadient has aligned its CSR plan to...
Quadient obtient le statut « Prime » d’ISS ESG pour son engagement en matière de responsabilité sociétale d’entreprise
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Quadient obtient le statut « Prime » d’ISS ESG pour son engagement en matière de responsabilité sociétale d’entreprise Paris, le 29 octobre 2020Quadient (Euronext Paris : QDT), un leader des solutions d’entreprise visant à faire de chaque interaction client – via un canal physique ou digital – une expérience riche et personnalisée, annonce aujourd’hui avoir de renouvelé l’obtention du statut « Prime » d’ISS ESG, en reconnaissance de ses activités sur des critères environnementaux, sociétaux et de gouvernance (ESG). ISS ESG est la branche d’investissement responsable d’Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS).Quadient avait obtenu son premier statut « Prime » en 2017. Ce statut est attribué aux entreprises dont la performance ESG est au-delà du seuil spécifique défini pour son secteur. La performance 2020 de Quadient...
Saint Jean Carbon Announces Appointment of Interim CFO
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESOAKVILLE, Ontario, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Saint Jean Carbon Inc. (“Saint Jean” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: SJL) announces the resignation of Anna Lentz as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary of the Company, effective October 27, 2020. Ms. Lentz was appointed Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary on April 30, 2018.The Company has commenced a search for Ms. Lentz’s replacement as CFO. Ms. Lentz will continue to provide day-to-day accounting support during this period and Dr. William Pfaffenberger, Chairman of the Board and President, has been appointed Interim CFO of the Company until a successor to Ms. Lentz is determined.The Company wishes to elaborate on its offtake agreement with Ameca (September 30, 2020). Production...
DSG Global Establishing Record Installs and Generating Multi-million Dollar Pipeline in Q4 2020
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~ Overwhelming demand for Pacer single rider golf cars equipped with the world’s best GPS system in the industrySURREY, British Columbia, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DSG Global Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT) (“DSGT”), announced today recent installs in Australia, New Zealand, and California. The Company has reached record installs in the 2020 fourth quarter, generating a multi-million dollar pipeline.The Vantage Tag Systems has become the product of choice while clubs are demanding rugged, reliable, low cost course management systems with installations in championship courses in California, Virginia, Florida, and Arizona to only mention a few. DSG also just completed installing three (3) courses in Spain and Tachayo Japan, along with recent installs in Australia, New Zealand.Due to the high demand, DSG is increasing the Company’s operations...
Live Oak Bank Tops the SBA’s 100 Most Active 7(a) Lenders
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WILMINGTON, N.C., Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Live Oak Bank has been named the most active SBA 7(a) lender by dollar amount by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The results were posted to the SBA website and display the country’s top 100 SBA 7(a) lenders by loan volume for the administration’s 2020 fiscal year, which ended on Sept. 30.“Live Oak is proud to serve American small business owners in a time of real need,” said Live Oak Chairman and CEO James S. (Chip) Mahan III. “Our teams stay close to our customers to understand their financial needs, and our work in 2020 reflects what small business owners need to navigate these times – and that is capital.”Live Oak approved 1,068 7(a) loans in FY2020, putting more than $1.49 billion into the hands of small business owners across the country. The 7(a) loan program is the...
Sword Group: New Signatures
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Press ReleaseWindhof – October, 29th 2020Sword Group – New SignaturesSword is pleased to announce the signature of new contracts for its subsidiary Tipik by Sword, amounting to €19.2 million, and the reactivation of a contract affected by the health crisis for the estimated amount of €12.5 millionTipik by Sword is a new type of communication agency, based in Brussels. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sword Group, whose annual revenue is close to €10 million.
Sword Group :
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Communiqué de PresseWindhof – 27 octobre 2020Sword Group – Nouvelles SignaturesSword annonce la signature de nouveaux contrats pour sa filiale Tipik by Sword, à hauteur de 19,2 M€, ainsi que la réactivation d’un contrat affecté par la crise sanitaire, pour un montant estimé de 12,5 M€Tipik by Sword est une agence de communication d’un nouveau type, établie à Bruxelles, filiale à 100 % de Sword Group, dont le chiffre d’affaires annuel est proche de 10 M€.