Worldline – Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares making up the share capital

Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital socialMonthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares making up the share capitalArticle L. 233-8-II du Code de commerce et article 223-16 du Règlement général de l’AMF
Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial code and article 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation
* Nombre de droits de vote exerçables = nombre de droits de vote théoriques (ou nombre total de droits de vote attachés aux actions) – actions privées du droit de vote** Number of effective voting rights = number of theoretical voting rights (or total number of voting rights attached to shares) – shares without voting rightsAttachmentWorldline – Voting rights and share capital – 31 December 2020