Worldline – Communication from Worldline’s Board of Directors

from Worldline’s Board of DirectorsBezons, October 24, 2019The Board of Directors of Worldline acknowledged the resignation of Mr. Thierry BRETON as Chairman of the Board, with immediate effects, following the announcement by the presidency of the French Republic of its proposal to submit the candidature of Mr. Thierry BRETON as Commissioner representing France in the European Commission.The Nomination and Remuneration Committee held a meeting today to review the necessary corporate governance adjustments and to formulate appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors.Atos SE proposed the cooptation of Pierre BARNABÉ (Head of the Global Division Big Data & Cybersecurity within Atos group) as new Director of the Board so as to maintain the balance and the number of directors representing Atos SE as per the agreements entered into between Atos SE and SIX Group AG.The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has unanimously decided with immediate effects:To coopt Mr. Pierre BARNABÉ as Director for the remaining period of Mr. Thierry BRETON’s term of office, i.e. until the General Meeting to be held in 2020 to approve the accounts for the financial year ending December 31st, 2019;
that the chairmanship of the Board of Directors be assumed by Mr. Gilles GRAPINET, currently Chief Executive Office of Worldline, it being precised that Mr. GRAPINET does not perceive any fees as Director nor as Chairman of the Board;
to organize the committees of the Board of Directors as follows:
Audit Committee
· Aldo CARDOSO (Chairman)1
· Gilles ARDITTI
· Mette KAMSWAG1
· Susan M. TOLSON1Nomination and Remuneration Committee
· Lorenz von HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN (Chairman)
· Danielle LAGARDE1
· Susan M. TOLSON1
· Pierre BARNABÉ
Investment Committee
· Gilles ARDITTI (Chairman)
· Gilles GRAPINETStrategy and Innovation Committee
· Gilles ARDITTI (Chairman)
· Luc REMONT1The Board of Directors of Worldline unanimously expressed its sincere gratitude to Mr. Thierry BRETON for his conduct of the works of the Board during the 5 years following Worldline Initial Public Offering as well as for his outstanding involvement and energy that constantly contributed to the success of the greatest projects that characterized the impressive development of Worldline since 2014. The Board of Directors of Worldline expressed to
Mr. Thierry BRETON its best wishes for success in the new very important mission he is about to undertake.The Board of Directors of Worldline warmly welcomed Mr. Pierre BARNABÉ, whose contribution and expertise will further complete the Board’s competence that was recently supplemented with the progressive nomination of new Directors.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Investor Relations
David Pierre-Kahn
Email: david.pierre-kahn@worldline.comPress Contact
Sandrine van der Ghinst
Biography of Mr. Pierre BARNABÉPierre BARNABÉ is Senior Executive Vice-President, Head of the Global Division Big Data & Cybersecurity within the Group Atos, following the successful merger of Bull with Atos. He is also in charge of the Security for the Atos Group and of Olympic Games and Major Events activities. He joined Bull in August 2013 as Chief Operating Officer. Previously, Pierre was General Manager of SFR Business team from 2011 to 2013. He began his career in the venture capital department of Thalès. In 1998, he joined Alcatel Lucent with various successful sales positions (Vice President Sales France, Vice President Sales South Europe) before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Alcatel Lucent France then Group Executive Vice President Human Resources & Transformation in 2009. Knight of the French National Order of Merit, Pierre BARNABÉ is graduated from NEOMA Business School and from CentraleSupélec. He is President of ENSIMAG Grenoble (major French Engineering school).••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••About Worldline