Voltalia’s installed capacity tops 1 gigawatt

Three milestones surpassed in 2020:1,000 megawatts of installed capacity globally at end-December1,000 megawatts of long-term power sales contracts won over the year1,000 Voltalia employees on three continents at end-DecemberVoltalia (Euronext Paris ISIN code: FR0011995588), an international player in renewable energies, reaches 1,015 of installed capacity at end 2020,overpassing its 1-gigawatt target set in 2016.Thanks to a dynamic fourth quarter with significant additions to its installed capacity1, Voltalia has increased its portfolio of installed plants by 18% since September 30, 2020. Added to the capacity already in operation these new installations bring the total installed capacity to 1,015 megawatts, toping the 1-gigawatt target set for December 2020. This target is achieved while diversifying Voltalia’s portfolio.Between the announcement and the achievement of this 1-gigawatt target, Voltalia’s capacity has more than doubled (x 2.2) and is more diverse. Voltalia was recognized as a successful developer of wind projects, with a particularly strong track record in Brazil where this technology offered unmatched competitiveness. Voltalia is now also highly recognized for its capacity to develop solar projects, notably in Europe and Africa. This strategic addition was supported by the sharp drop in solar construction and maintenance costs, making it competitive in many countries. Voltalia-owned solar capacity has been multiplied by more than 14 to represent 23% of its installed based as of today. Other technologies were not left behind: between 2016 and 2020, Voltalia has grown in hydro, by building a new power plant in France, and deployed its biomass footprint in French Guiana, where plentiful wood resources makes biomass sustainable. Finally, Voltalia has also established a successful storage activity, by building Toco, the biggest battery storage complex currently in operation in France (13,1 megawatts / 16,7 megawatthours in operation).The growth in solar came along with geographic diversification. When Voltalia set its 1-gigawatt objective, Brazil represented 84% of its installed capacity and Europe (mainly France) 16%. Since then, while Brazil was expanding, other countries grew even faster. Today Brazil is 67% of the installed base, Europe 24% and Voltalia has also grown around its Egyptian hub, which represents 9% of the installed capacity. While Brazil is and will remain a major contributor to Voltalia’s growth, Europe and Africa will clearly continue to enjoy the highest growth rates. Voltalia is in the good track to rebalance its portfolio by 2023, when Brazil should represent 50% of its installed capacity.“Despite uncountable challenges et occasional delays due the sanitary crisis, Voltalia has been able to meet its 1,000-megawatt installed-capacity target. This growth was made possible by over 1,000 Voltalia team members who, in parallel, secured 1,000-megawatt of new long-term power sales contracts2 which will fuel Voltalia’s growth in the coming years”, declares Sébastien Clerc, CEO of Voltalia.Next on the agenda: Q4 2020 revenues on January 26, 2021
1 Cacao (5.1 MW of biomass in French Guiana), Toco (a 10.5 MW extension of battery-storage in French Guiana), Sarry (22 MW of wind in France), Ma’an and Mafraq (57 MW of solar in Jordan), VSM2 (50.2 MW of wind in Brazil added in Q4 2020 to reach 85.2 MW at year-end, out of a total project of 128 MW), and Helexia (addition of 10 MW of solar rooftops in France, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Belgium)2 Press release dated December 15, 2020Attachment210104-Voltalia-1GWinstalled-VENG-vdef