decided on a quarterly dividend Oyj COMPANY RELEASE October 25, 2019 at 7:45 decided on a quarterly dividendThe Board of Directors of Oyj has decided today, on the basis of the authorization by the Annual General Meeting 2019, that a dividend of EUR 0.051 per share (up to EUR 2,298,321.63 in total) be distributed from retained earnings. The dividend will be paid to a shareholder registered in the company’s shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date for the dividend on 29 October 2019. The dividend will be paid on 5 November’s Annual General Meeting, held on 28 March 2019, resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to decide at its discretion on the distribution of dividends. Based on the authorization, the total amount of the dividend distribution shall not exceed EUR 0.150 per share. Unless the Board of Directors decides otherwise or the possible changes in the rules and regulations of the Finnish book-entry system require otherwise, the authorization will be used to distribute dividend three times during the period of validity of the authorization. In this case, the Board will make a separate resolution on the distribution of dividends. The company will separately publish announcements of such Board resolutions. The authorization is valid until the opening of the Annual General Meeting 2020.For more information, please contact:Panu Porkka
Tel. +358 10 309 5555Mikko Forsell
Tel. +358 10 309 5555Certified Adviser
Nordea Bank Oyj
Tel. +358 9 5300 6785Distribution:Nasdaq Helsinki
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