Upward adjustment of expectations for 2021
Nasdaq Copenhagen
London Stock Exchange
Other stakeholders
Date 8 June 2021
Upward adjustment of expectations for 2021
Ringkjøbing Landbobank is upwardly adjusting its expectations for 2021. The expectations for core earnings are upwardly adjusted from the DKK 1,100-1,300 million range to the DKK 1,300-1,500 million range and the expectations for profit before tax are upwardly adjusted from the DKK 1,000-1,300 million range to the DKK 1,200-1,500 million range.
The background to the upward adjustment is primarily a better income flow than previously expected including a continued big increase in customers and a high level of activity.
Kind regards,
Ringkjøbing Landbobank
John Fisker