Tryg ‘Best Company’ and ‘Best Investor Relations Officer’ in Nordics in the annual Regi survey

In the annual survey compiled by the Swedish consultancy, Regi, approximately 250 analysts evaluate Nordic listed companies on 23 different criteria including the quality of quarterly and annual reports, investor presentations, corporate website, top management credibility and overall dialogue with the investors community.Tryg has been ranked ‘best company overall’ both in Denmark and in the Nordics while also Tryg’s IRO (Investor Relations Officer), Gianandrea Roberti, was ranked as the ‘Best IRO’ in Denmark and in the Nordics. Tryg has won both categories for the second year in a row.
– “We are very pleased with our very high rankings when it comes to investor relations. It is very important for listed companies to have a good and thorough communication with the research analysts which helps in forming an accurate and detailed understanding of the company”, says Barbara Plucnar Jensen, CFO in Tryg.The Regi survey has been published for 22 years and is one of the most comprehensive and authoritative surveys in the investor relations field for the Nordic markets.
AttachmentTryg ‘Best Company’ and ‘Best Investor Relations Officer’ in Nordics in the annual Regi survey