Treasury successfully issues its inaugural Green bond
Today the Republic of Iceland issued a green bond in the amount of 750 million euros, the equivalent of ISK 111 bn. The bond bears a 3.5% fixed rate coupon, a reoffer yield of 3,636% and a 10 year maturity. The bonds are issued off Iceland´s Sustainable Financing Framework.
Investors showed remarkable interest, with demand totaling EUR 7 bn, or more than nine times the issue size. The investor group includes Central banks, official institutions, bank treasuries, insurance companies, and other institutional investors, mainly from Northern Europe. Joint lead managers for the issue were JP Morgan, BNP Paribas, DZ bank and Nomura.
“It is particularly gratifying to see the confidence shown in our first green bond issue from a broad group of international investors. It is a sign of the credibility of Iceland’s fiscal and environmental policies, which underscore the international commitments we have taken on. This keen interest is also a sign of investors’ trust in Iceland and of the country’s image as an exemplar of sound environmental policy,” said Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir.
The investor group included around 280 investors. This is the largest number of investors who have ever participated in a Republic of Iceland´s transaction, and an unprecedented eight times level of over-subscription.
“This bond issue is in line with our Government debt strategy, as well as being part of our climate action plan. The proceeds from the issue will be used to finance the Government’s expenses due to environmental issues in coming years. This financing better enables us to face the challenges that lie ahead. Strong demand and favourable terms also bear witness to investors’ confidence in Iceland’s economic and fiscal policy,” said Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir.