Translation of the Articles of Association of Šiaulių Bankas AB has been updated
Šiaulių Bankas AB, company code 112025254, domicile address Tilžės str. 149, Šiauliai, Lithuania.
A comprehensive update of the English translation of the Articles of Association has been made by clarifying the terms used in the original translation (e.g. changing ‘Charter’ to ‘Articles of Association’) and correcting other translation discrepancies. An updated translation of the Bank’s Articles of Association into English is available on the Bank’s website.
The Bank’s Articles of Association (in Lithuanian), which were approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank on 31 March 2020, are not amended.
Additional information shall be provided by
Director of the Legal Department
Aurelija Geležiūnė, tel. +370 615 45571,