Traffic Data January 2021

Like in previous months, the COVID-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions continued to impact Icelandair Group’s operations in January. However, the Company’s freight services volumes in January 2021 were at same levels to January 2020.The total number of Icelandair’s passengers in January was around 11,600 decreasing by 94% from January 2020. The number of passengers both to and from Iceland was around 8,000. The number of via passengers in January was around 3,700, which is an increase from previous months. The load factor on Icelandair’s flights was 39.4% compared to 73.2% in January 2020. The total capacity was 92% less than in January last year. On-time performance was 83% in January compared to 76% in the same month the year before.The number of passengers on domestic flights was around 11,600 in January, decreasing by 30% from the year before. The total capacity was down by 22%. The load factor was 59.6% compared with 71.7% the year before.The number of sold block hours in charter flights decreased by 75% year-on-year. Freight remained stable year-on-year, measured in Freight Tonne Kilometres.Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail:
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: