The Scottish Salmon Company PLC: Statement from the Board of Directors regarding the mandatory offer from Bakkafrost P/F

It is the Board of Directors’ (the “Board”) overall assessment, including DC Advisory’s fairness opinion, that the offer outlined by Bakkafrost P/F is fair. Thus, the Board recommends the shareholders of The Scottish Salmon Company Plc to accept Bakkafrost’s offer. The statement from the Board in accordance with § 6-16 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act in connection with the mandatory offer from Bakkafrost P/F is enclosed. A fairness opinion dated 29 November 2019, submitted by DC Advisory, is also enclosed.For further information: Chairman of board, Robert Brown III,
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
AttachmentsSSC PLC Board Statement regarding Mandatory Offer from BakkafrostScottish Salmon Company Fairness Opinion 29 November 2019