The Board of Rokiškio sūris AB approves the 2022 audited financial statements and proposes to pay a dividend of EUR 0.15 per share
On 7 April 2023, the Board of Directors of AB “Rokiškio sūris” approved the audited consolidated and parent company financial statements of the Company for 2022 and the consolidated annual report of the Company for 2022, the draft distribution of the Company’s profit for 2022, and proposed that these statements and the draft distribution of the Company’s profit be submitted to the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company.
The audited consolidated sales of the Rokiškio sūris Group for the year 2022 amount to EUR 359,269 thousand, an increase of 42 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year. Audited consolidated sales for 2021 amounted to EUR 253 062 thousand. The Rokiškio sūris Group generated a net profit of EUR 12 514 thousand in 2022, an increase of EUR 11 961 thousand compared to 2021. The net profit of the Rokiškio sūris Group for 2021 amounted to EUR 553 thousand.
According to the draft distribution of the Company’s profit as approved by the Board, the Board proposes to allocate EUR 5 251 thousand from the Company’s distributable profit to pay dividends for 2022, i.e. EUR 0.15 per share. The proposed allocation of tantjemes to the independent members of the Board of Directors is EUR 30 000.
Dalius Trumpa