Telia Lietuva Invested More Than EUR 10 million in Upgrading its Copper Network
Telia Lietuva has completed the upgrade of its cooper network used for the provision of DSL Internet. The project took four years to complete. From now on, individual and business customers who have copper access line will be offered Internet connection with up to 250 Mbps. The total investment into this project amounted to EUR 10.5 million.
“Telia Lietuva has the broadest fibre-optic access network in Lithuania which reaches as many as 900 thousand of households in the country, however, there are still areas and settlements which pose considerable difficulties in terms of installation of fibre-optic cable – it would be too problematic or cost ineffective to do that. For this reason, to ensure the best quality to our customers, we have employed Super VDSL technology which enables a 10-fold increase in the Internet speed via copper lines while retaining such advantages of a cable-based connection as reliability and stable high-speed, regardless of weather conditions or the number of connected users,” Harold Šulčinskas, Head of Network Maintenance and Development, said.
Over the four years, network engineers of Telia Lietuva have updated almost 1,600 network nodes throughout Lithuania. This allowed the Company to increase the broadband DSL Internet speeds more than 10-fold: from a maximum download speed of up to 20 Mbps to 250 Mbps, given specific conditions. The real speed depends on the length and quality of the copper line connecting the Telia Lietuva exchange and the back-end equipment.
The network was upgraded by replacing the network equipment at the nodes and the back-end equipment at the customers, while the copper lines have remained underground like before. Following the upgrade of the copper access network, the Internet speed has significantly increased for 125 thousand of our customers.
Customers of Telia Lietuva fibre-optic Internet currently enjoy Internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps. The Company also plans to upgrade its fibre-optic network in the near future.
Darius Džiaugys,
Head of Investor Relations,
tel. +370 5 236 7878,