Teleste: Interim Report Q3 2019 will be published on October 31st – Invitation to press briefing

TELESTE CORPORATION INVESTOR NEWS 24.10.2019 AT 10:00 EETTELESTE: INTERIM REPORT Q3 2019 WILL BE PUBLISHED ON OCTOBER 31st – INVITATION TO PRESS BRIEFINGTeleste will publish its Interim Report 1 January – 30 September 2019 as a stock exchange release on October 31st approx. at 08:30 a.m. EET.
A briefing for investors, media and analysts and will be held the same day in Helsinki hosted by CEO, Mr. Jukka Rinnevaara. Teleste’s CFO, Mr. Juha Hyytiäinen will also be present in the briefing.
PRESS BRIEFING (held in Finnish):
Date: Thursday, October 31st 2019
Time: 09:30-10:30 a.m. EET
Location: Restaurant Savoy, 7th floor, Eteläesplanadi 14, HelsinkiAttendance information by October 29th to:
Tiina Vuorinen
Tel. +358 2 2605 611