Sweden borrows SEK 13 billion for 25 years at 0.53 % yield

Sweden borrows SEK 13 billion for 25 years at 0.53 % yieldThe Swedish National Debt Office raised SEK 13 billion at a yield of 0.53 per cent in the planned sale of a new 25-year government bond. The new bond has the longest maturity of the loans that make up Sweden’s central government debt.The total order book was about SEK 44.5 billion, including 55 separate investors. The bond was issued through a syndication, whereby joint lead managers carried out the transaction at terms approved by the Debt Office. The yield was set at 14 basis points below SEK mid swaps.– With this 25-year bond we extend the yield curve for Swedish government bonds. We saw a wide interest from investors to participate in this introduction, paving the way for a successful sale and good terms for the government, says Johan Bergström, Acting Head of Funding.Terms and conditions
Distribution by investor type Distribution by regionThe Debt Office will offer switches to the 25-year bond in an auction on 11 December 2020. The terms of the switch auction will be announced on 20 November.The previously longest Swedish government bond has a term to maturity of 19 years.ContactJohan Bergström, Acting Head of Funding, +46 8 613 45 68