Solutions 30 : Situation Update & Action Plan to Deal with the Covid-19 Epidemic

Situation Update & Action Plan to Deal with the Covid-19 Epidemic In an attempt to contain the Covid-19 epidemic, all the European states where the Solutions 30 group is located have taken measures to confine citizens, restrict their movement, and close certain establishments.Solutions 30 generates most of its revenue from sectors that are essential to the economy. As a result, the group remains operational everywhere it is located, and its technicians are able to perform their call-outs, either on site or remotely.However, business has been disrupted as customers are changing the way they operate, sometimes suspending projects and closing sites, which limits their needs. In addition, some on-site call-outs have been postponed or, to a lesser extent, canceled. It is still difficult to accurately assess the consequences of this situation as they vary widely from one vertical to another and from country to country.Nonetheless, since the beginning of the crisis, the group has implemented a series of measures to:Protect the health of its employeesEnsure service continuityAdapt its cost structure and protect its cash-flowPreserve its future ability to capture the structural growth of its markets.
Protecting employee healthAs the group is mainly present in sectors that are essential for the economy to function, it remains operational in all the countries where it is located. Call-out processes have been adapted to follow recommendations from health authorities, including protective measures (hand-washing, social distancing, etc.) promoted by all governments. 2. Ensuring service continuityIn terms of activity, the overall situation is currently very mixed across the group. Certain activities, especially in the energy and retail sectors, have been temporarily suspended. Others continue to operate, particularly in the telecoms and IT sectors, which remain critical in the current situation as they allow everyone to stay connected and therefore preserve professional activities and social ties. The situation is evolving as countries adopt new measures to deal with the crisis, it is therefore too early to make any short-term revenue forecasts.3. Adapting cost structure and protecting cash-flowThe group is taking all necessary measures to adapt to this new situation, limit the crisis’ impact on its financial structure, protect its cash position, and preserve employees’ jobs over the long term. Solutions 30 has several advantages:Flexible cost structure with an outsourcing component that can be adjusted quickly to meet demandHighly flexible business model that has proven its ability to scale up quickly and is now demonstrating its capacity to adapt to new market conditionsSound financial structure, with a solid cash position and very low net debtBanking partners who are ready to step up their support if necessaryIn addition, Solutions 30 is leveraging its proximity with its customers to define with them new service offers that meet the new needs arising from this unexpected situation.4. Preserving the ability to capture structural growth in its marketsIn the face of this unprecedented crisis, IT and telecommunications infrastructures are demonstrating their importance. The economy’s digital transformation has allowed us to continue working and maintain social ties while our habits change. The group, whose growth is driven by the rapid expansion of the digital economy, is therefore confident in its long-term prospects and anticipates a catch-up effect when the crisis ends. In collaboration with its customers, Solutions 30 is also preparing for the end of the crisis and plans how to quickly ramp up activities.“We’re going through a difficult time on a global scale and our organizations are being put to the test. Our top priority is to protect the health of our teams and fellow citizens, but it is also our duty to continue providing the services needed to keep our economies running.
Within our group, our teams are doing a remarkable job of continuing to serve our customers, working with them to find solutions to the new issues they are facing, and helping to keep us connected to each other. I’m extremely grateful to them and want to thank them for their commitment. I’m convinced that their dedication will help us all emerge stronger from this crisis.
Our group is built on solid fundamentals and a strong entrepreneurial culture. Our model is proving more resilient and robust every day. All this gives us confidence in our ability to overcome this crisis, with the conviction that it will make our organization even more efficient tomorrow,” states Gianbeppi Fortis, chairman of the board of Solutions 30.About Solutions 30 SEThe Solutions 30 Group is the European leader in solutions for new technologies. Its mission is to make the technological developments that are transforming our daily lives accessible to everyone, individuals and businesses alike. Yesterday, it was computers and the Internet. Today, it’s digital technology. Tomorrow, it will be technologies that make the world even more interconnected in real time. With more than 20 million call-outs carried out since it was founded and a network of more than 10,000 local technicians, Solutions 30 currently covers all of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Iberia and Poland. The share capital of Solutions 30 SE consists of 107,127,984 shares, equal to the number of theoretical votes that can be exercised.
Solutions 30 SE is listed on Euronext Growth (ISIN FR0013379484 – code ALS30) as well as the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on the XETRA e-listing system (FR0013379484 – code 30L3). Indexes: MSCI Europe Small Cap | Tech40 | CAC PME Visit our website for more information:
ContactNathalie Boumendil | Tel: +33 (0)6 85 82 41 95 | nathalie.boumendil@solutions30.comAttachmentSOL30 – Covid-19 EN