Societe Generale : The Ordinary General Meeting will be held on 18 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholders / Release of the notice of the Annual General Meeting of 18 May 2021

SOCIETE GENERALE’S ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON 18 MAY 2021 WITHOUT THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE OF ITS SHAREHOLDERSPress releaseParis, 12 March 2021Societe Generale’s Ordinary General Meeting will be held on 18 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholdersOn 11 March 2021, Societe Generale’s Board of Directors decided that the Ordinary General Meeting on 18 May 2021 will be held at 4pm, in the premises of Societe Generale, 17 cours Valmy, 92972 La Défense, without the physical presence of its shareholders given sanitary circumstances.As a matter of fact, pursuant to mobility and public gathering administrative restrictions due to sanitary circumstances , the location where the General Meeting usually takes place and which had been booked for this purpose, Paris Expo, Espace Grande Arche, la Grande Arche, 92044 Paris-La Défense, is currently closed to the public, without any reopening date scheduled at the present time. Moreover, the technical impossibility of verifying, remotely, the identity and status of all the shareholders will make it impossible for live voting at this General Meeting by telephone or audiovisual conference.In this context, the Board of Directors, careful with regard to the best respect the shareholders’ rights, has decided:that, as every year, shareholders will be able to vote remotely either by post or online;
that an unprecedented system will be put in place to enable shareholders voting online to ask questions during the General Meeting. Its procedures will be specified at the date of the convening notice;
that, as every year, the General Meeting will be broadcast on video, live and recorded for delayed viewing on the website;
that a free telephone number will be made available to shareholders to enable them to follow the General Meeting; and
to facilitate the use of written questions by postponing the deadline for transmitting written questions by five days, until 16 May 2021 at 4:00 pm, and enable them to be sent by e-mail.
The notice of General Meeting, including the agenda and the draft resolutions, as well as the conditions and methods to vote remotely at the General Meeting, have been released today in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO).Finally, in accordance with Article 8-1 of Decree No. 2020-418 of 10 April 2020, the Board of Directors has already appointed a scrutineer among the ten shareholders with the largest number of voting rights and acknowledged that the other scrutineer will be one of the nine others or, in the absence of acceptance by one of them, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company mutual fund (FCPE) “Société Générale actionnariat (FONDS E)”.Press contacts:
Jean-Baptiste Froville_+33 1 58 98 68 00_
Corentin Henry_+33 1 58 98 01 75_
AttachmentPR General Meeting Societe Generale