Slam Acquires Copper Silver Gold Property

MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick, Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SLAM Exploration Ltd. (“SLAM” or the “Company” on TSXV: SXL) is pleased to announce it has acquired the Patapedia copper-silver-gold property located 10 km west of its wholly owned Menneval Gold project in northwestern New Brunswick. The Patapedia property is host to 3 mineral occurrences listed in the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources database as Patapedia South, Patapedia Central, and Patapedia North zones. The current focus is on the copper-silver-gold mineralization in Patapedia South.The “PATAPEDIA SOUTH” prospect, also referred to as “The Copper Breccia Zone” was drilled by 13 holes in 1973. This limited drilling program tested the zone over a strike length of approximately 200 m and to a depth of 110 m with potential for extensions along strike and at depth. Historical drilling results by previous workers are reported for selected holes as follows:UTM NAD83 Z19 location coordinates and collar data for the selected holes are tabled below:Data Verification – Analytical QA/QC Procedures: The drilling results reported above are derived from assessment reports of work on file at the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy. The results pre-date NI43-101 and are derived from Assessment Reports signed by geologists employed at that time by large corporations. It is assumed that such large companies had an acceptable level of QA/QC procedures in effect. Mike Taylor, P.Geo. President and CEO of SLAM Exploration Ltd., as the Qualified Person, has reviewed the drilling results and has found them to be well documented, consistent and reliable. However, the results are based on historical records and can only be verified by drilling.The Patapedia Copper Silver Property Acquisition:The Company acquired the 843 hectare Patapedia copper silver gold property through a prospector option agreement covering 39 claim units comprised of 3 mineral claims located 10 km west of SLAM’s Menneval gold project in northwestern New Brunswick. The Company also staked 87 claim units in one claim to cover an additional 1880 hectares surrounding the Patapedia property. The combined Patapedia copper silver project comprises 480 claim units covering 10,460 hectares. To earn a 100% interest in the prospector claims, the Company will issue 300,000 shares and pay $20,000 cash in accordance with the following payment schedule:
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