Skeljungur hf.: The Competition Authority permits Lyfsalinn ehf. to acquire all the shares in Lyfjaval ehf. Concurrently, Skeljungur acquires a 56% share in Lyfsalinn ehf.
Lyfjasalinn ehf’s bid for 100% of the shares in Lyfjaval ehf. and the Landakot real estate company ehf. was accepted on 25 June 2021. The acceptance of the offer to buy, and a concurrent increase in share capital, will bring Skeljungur’s holding in Lyfsalinn ehf. to 56%.
The Competition Authority agreed to the acquisition today and saw no reason for further deliberation regarding the merger, which is approved without any conditions.
In other respects, reference is made to Skeljungur’s notice of the acquisition published on 25 June 2021.
For further information, please contact Árni Pétur Jónsson, CEO