Silmäasema Oyj: Coronaria Oy Announces the Preliminary Amount of Acceptances as of November 21, 2019 in the Public Tender Offer for All Shares Issued by Silmäasema Oyj

Silmäasema Oyj: Coronaria Oy Announces the Preliminary Amount of Acceptances as of November 21, 2019 in the Public Tender Offer for All Shares Issued by Silmäasema OyjSilmäasema Oyj
Stock Exchange Release
22 November at 4:35 p.m. EETCoronaria Oy (“Coronaria” or the “Offeror”) has on September 5, 2019 commenced a mandatory public tender offer to purchase all of the issued and outstanding shares in Silmäasema Oyj (“Silmäasema”) that are not held by the Offeror, Silmäasema or any of its subsidiaries (the “Tender Offer”). The subsequent offer period under the Tender Offer (the “Subsequent Offer Period”) commenced on October 2, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. (Finnish time) and expired on November 21, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (Finnish time).Based on preliminary information the shares tendered during the Subsequent Offer Period as of November 21, 2019 represent approximately 5.50% of all the issued and outstanding shares and votes in Silmäasema. Together with the shares tendered during the initial offer period and otherwise acquired by the Offeror through market purchases the shares represent approximately 91.38% of all the issued and outstanding shares and votes in Silmäasema in aggregate.The Offeror will confirm and announce the final amount of shares validly tendered during the Subsequent Offer Period up to November 21, 2019 on or about November 25, 2019, and will complete the settlement trades for such shares on or about November 26, 2019. The actual time of receipt of the payment by tendering shareholders will depend on the time required to process the onward payment by financial institutions.It is the Offeror’s intention to acquire all the shares in Silmäasema and to cause Silmäasema to apply for delisting of its shares from Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The Offeror intends to initiate compulsory redemption proceedings for the remaining Silmäasema shares under the Finnish Companies Act.The Offeror may continue to acquire Silmäasema shares in public trading on Nasdaq Helsinki or otherwise outside the Tender Offer.Silmäasema’s operations will continue as normal and the transaction has no impact on our customers.THIS RELEASE IS NOT A TENDER OFFER DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OR INVITATION TO MAKE A SALES OFFER. IN PARTICULAR, THIS RELEASE IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR THE SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY ANY SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND IS NOT AN EXTENSION OF THE TENDER OFFER, IN OR INTO, THE UNITED STATES CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA OR HONG KONG. INVESTORS SHALL ACCEPT THE TENDER OFFER FOR THE SHARES ONLY ON THE BASIS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN A TENDER OFFER DOCUMENT. OFFERS WILL NOT BE MADE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE EITHER AN OFFER OR PARTICIPATION THEREIN IS PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR WHERE ANY TENDER OFFER DOCUMENT OR REGISTRATION OR OTHER REQUIREMENTS WOULD APPLY IN ADDITION TO THOSE UNDERTAKEN IN FINLAND.