Signing of indicative term sheet
Ticker: GGKONG; ISIN: DK0030444401For release: 8 October 2020Redemption of bondsIn continuation of the release of the half year report 27 August 2020, it is hereby announced that the Company today has signed a conditional term sheet with a Danish, institutional lender to refinance the issued bond debt.Based on the term sheet, it is the expectation of the issuer that the issued bond debt will be redeemed no later than on the Maturity Date.GG St. Kongensgade 100 og 106 P/S, incorporated under the laws of Denmark with business registration number 38 30 68 47, having its registered office at c/o Gefion Group A/S, Østergade 1, 1st floor, 1100 Copenhagen K, Denmark. The purpose of the Issuer is purchase, sale and investments in real estate or real estate companies and related activities.Further information may be found at the Company’s website: www.gefiongroup.comCompany contact details:Thomas W. Færch, CEO
Tel: +45 20 20 19 41
www.gefiongroup.comCertified Advisor:
Pareto Securities AS, Copenhagen Branch
Sankt Annæ Plads 13
DK-1250 Copenhagen K
+43 1 740 408045Attachment2020.10.08.GG St. Kongensgade 100 og 106 PS – Redemption of bonds