Sanoma completed repurchase of own shares

SANOMA CORPORATION, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE, 3 APRIL 2020 AT 08:15 EETSanoma completed repurchase of own sharesSanoma has completed the repurchase of own shares, which started on 26 March 2020 and ended on 2 April 2020. During that time, Sanoma acquired a total of 304,000 own shares for an average price of EUR 7.95 per share. The shares were acquired in public trading on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. at the market price prevailing at the time of purchase. The repurchased shares were acquired on the basis of the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2020 and shall be used as a part of the Company’s incentive programme.Following the repurchase, Sanoma Corporation holds a total of 528,977 own shares, corresponding to 0.32% of the total number of shares.
Additional information
Kaisa Uurasmaa, Head of Investor Relations and CSR, tel. +358 40 560 5601SanomaSanoma is a front running learning and media company impacting the lives of millions every day. We enable teachers to excel at developing the talents of every child, provide consumers with engaging content, and offer unique marketing solutions to business partners.Today, we have operations in ten countries including Finland, the Netherlands and Poland. Our net sales totalled EUR 900 million and we employed approx. 3,500 professionals in 2019. Sanoma shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. More information is available at