SalMar – Final year-end financial statements for 2019 approved by the board of directors

At a meeting held on 2 April 2020, the board of directors of SalMar ASA has reviewed and approved the final year-end financial statements for 2019. Final accounts are not altered from preliminary figures published on 26 February 2020.As communicated 17 March 2020 there will not be paid a dividend for 2019. This due to the uncertainty that now prevails regarding the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and the consequences it may have for the entire value chain and a number of local communities along the coast.An electronic version of the final accounts will be published through the Oslo Børs (Oslo stock exchange) and on 23 April 2020.The annual general meeting is scheduled to Wednesday 3 June 2020 at the company’s headquarters at Frøya. The notice, annual report and agenda with attachments will be published through Oslo stock exchange and information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.