Rule 2.10 Announcement – Playtech plc
6 December 2021
Partial Withdrawal of Letter of Intent: Acquisition of Playtech plc (the “Company”) and disposal by the Company of Finalto
On 15 October 2021, Boussard & Gavaudan Investment Management LLC and Boussard & Gavaudan Asset Management, LP provided a Letter of Intent regarding our intentions in relation to 8,346,630 ordinary shares of Playtech plc.
In accordance with The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, Rule 2.10(c)(i), we wish to advise we have disposed of 2,408,753 shares and are no longer in a position to accept or procure the acceptance of the Offer in relation to those shares.
Our intention in respect of 5,937,877 shares, being the remainder, remains as described in our Letter of Intent.
For and on behalf of
Boussard & Gavaudan Investment Management LLC, and
Boussard & Gavaudan Asset Management, LP
Emmanuel Gavaudan