Ress Life Investments A/S: Ress Life Investments A/S publishes portfolio data as per 30 September 2020

Ress Life Investments A/S
Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv
DK-1057 Copenhagen K
CVR nr. 33593163
To: Nasdaq Copenhagen
Date: 4 November 2020Corporate Announcement 40/2020Ress Life Investments A/S publishes portfolio data as per 30 September 2020Ress Life Investments A/S hereby publishes portfolio overview for the benefit of the company’s shareholders.Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company’s AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.Contact person:
Gustaf Hagerud
Tel + 46 8 545 282 09Note: The terms for subscription of shares, minimum subscription amount and redemption of shares are provided in the Articles of Association, Information Brochure and in the Key Investment Information Document (KIID) available on the Company’s website,
As per 30 September 2020, the number of life insurance policies owned is 330. The total face value of the portfolio is 838 million USD. Actual total number of maturities in the portfolio was 48, while the expected number was 41.3. Portfolio composition as of 2020-09-30
AttachmentRess Life Investments AS – Company Announcement 40-2020