Ress Life Investments A/S: New Depositary for Ress Life Investments A/S.

Ress Life Investments
Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv
DK-1057 Copenhagen K
CVR nr. 33593163
www.resslifeinvestments.comTo: Nasdaq Copenhagen
Date: 22 November 2019Corporate Announcement 39/2019New Depositary for Ress Life Investments A/S.Ress Life Investments A/S (RLI) is pleased to announce that, in accordance with our Corporate Announcement number 18 from 14 May 2019, RLI has signed an agreement with Artha Fondsmæglerselskab A/S (Artha) to be the new depositary. Artha will take over the role as depositary from Nykredit Bank during the month of December 2019.Both the Swedish and Danish financial regulatory authorities, Finansinspektionen and Finanstilsynet respectively, have been informed about the change of depositary without any comments.Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company’s AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.Note: The terms for subscription of shares, minimum subscription amount and redemption of shares are provided in the Articles of Association, Information Brochure and in the Key Investment Information Document (KIID) available on the Company’s website, Life Investments AS – Company Announcement 39 -2019