Resolutions of Snaigė AB the General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of shareholders of Snaige AB was held on 30 April 2021.
Following resolutions were made on the meeting:
1.Consolidated annual report of “Snaigė” AB on the company’s activity for 2020;
Taken for information the consolidated annual report of “Snaigė” for 2020, shareholders approved remuneration statement;
2.Auditor’s conclusion on the company’s financial statements for 2020;
Taken for information the auditor’s conclusion on the company’s financial statements for 2020 year;
3.Approval of the set of financial statements of the company for 2020;
Approved the set of financial statements of the company for 2020 year;
4.Approval of distribution of profit (loss) of “Snaigė” AB for 2020;
Approved the distribution of profit (loss) of “Snaigė” AB for 2020 year:
Article | EUR |
Non-distributed profit (loss) at the end of the last financial year | (11 383 949) |
Net result – profit (loss) of financial year | 1 030 445 |
Distributable result- profit (loss) of financial year | (10 353 504) |
Transfers from reserves: | 946 161 |
For the acquisition of own shares | ———– |
Transfers from mandatory reserve | 646 161 |
Distributable profit | (9 407 343) |
Distribution of profit | 673 581 |
To reserve foreseen by law | 673 581 |
Non-distributed result – profit (loss) at the end of financial year | (10 080 924) |
The addition: Consolidated and separate financial statements of AB “Snaigė”, the annual report for 2020 year and independent auditor’s report.
Managing Director
Mindaugas Sologubas
Phone +370 315 56206