Resolutions of Snaige AB Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
The Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Snaige AB was held on 21 February 2024.
At the meeting was made following resolutions:
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of the restructuring plan of AB “Snaigė”
THE DECISION: To approve the restructuring plan of AB “Snaigė
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Revocation of the board of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.
THE DECISION: To revoke the board of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: The election of the board of AB “Snaigė”
THE DECISION: The members of the Board for a new four-year term ellected:
Tomas Svidinskas;
Pavel Urba;
Tadas Antanaitis;
Rasa Butkuvienė;
Darius Varnas.
To authorize the General Director of the Company, Darius Varnas (with the right to sub-delegate), to perform all the necessary actions, sign and submit the documents relating to the submission of the changed data to the Register of Legal Entities.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of the draft contract with the board members of AB “Snaigė” and the procedure for payment of remuneration for the activities of the board members.
THE DECISION: To approve the draft contract with the board members of AB “Snaigė” and the procedure for payment of remuneration for the activities of the board members.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of the remuneration amounts for the members of the board;
THE DECISION: To approve EUR 637 remuneration of the board member per one calendar month (before taxes).
6. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Revocation of the audit committee of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore;
THE DECISION: To revoke the audit committee of AB „Snaigė“ in corpore.
7. THE AGENDA QUESTION: Authorization of the board of AB „Snaigė“ to elect a new audit committee;
THE DECISION: To authorize the board of AB “Snaigė” to elect members of audit committee.
General Director
Darius Varnas
Phone no. +370 315 56200