Resolutions from Tryg A/S’ annual general meeting 2020

Tryg’s annual general meeting (AGM) was held today. At the AGM, the shareholders adopted the report of the group’s activities in the financial year 2019.
The annual meeting also approved the following items:• Tryg’s annual report 2019, including the resolution on discharge of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.• Resolution to distribution of profits in accordance with the approved annual report as the profit for the year DKK 2,843m is transferred to the equity.• The proposed remuneration for the Supervisory Board for 2020 including the fees to members of the Supervisory Board committees.• The proposed renewal and extension of the existing authorisation to the Supervisory Board under Article 8 of the Articles of Association to increase the share capital by means of issuing new shares for a total face value of DKK 151,000,000 until 30 March 2025.• The proposed renewal and extension of the existing authorisation to the Supervisory Board to allow the company to purchase own shares up to a total face value of 151,000,000 in the period until 31 December 2021.• Proposal for adjustment of the company’s purpose in Article 2 of the Articles of Association• Proposal for changing the company’s administrator of the register of shareholders in Article 5 of the Articles of Association• Proposal for adjustment of the standard agenda in Article 16 of the Articles of Association• Approval of the remuneration policy• Eight members of the Supervisory Board were elected:• Karen Bladt
• Claus Wistoft
• Ida Sofie Jensen
• Jukka Pertola (independent)
• Torben Nielsen (independent)
• Lene Skole (independent)
• Mari Thjømøe (independent)
• Carl-Viggo Östlund (independent)After the annual general meeting, the Supervisory Board elected Jukka Pertola as Chairman and Torben Nielsen as Deputy Chairman.
Employees have elected the following four members to the Supervisory Board:• Elias Bakk
• Charlotte Dietzer
• Jens Ove Mikkelsen
• Tina Snejbjerg• Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as Tryg’s public accountant.The Articles of Association and the remuneration policy for Tryg can be downloaded at Resolutions from Tryg’s AGM