Quadient – Annual General Meeting 2021 – Composition of the Bureau
Annual General Meeting of July 1, 2021
Composition of the Bureau
Due to the outstanding circumstances related to the Covid-19 outbreak, in accordance with the provisions of the French Ordonnance n°2020-321 dated March 25, 2020 (extended and amended by the Ordonnance n°2020-1497 dated December 2, 2020), the Board of Directors has decided that the Annual General Meeting of July 1, 2021 will be held “behind closed doors,” without any physical attendance of the shareholders.
In this respect, in accordance with Article 8 of the French Decree n°2020-418 dated April 10, 2020 (extended and amended by the Decrees n°2020-1614 dated December 18, 2020 and n°2021-255 dated March 9, 2021), the Board of Directors of Quadient has appointed two scrutineers to be part of the Bureau of the General Meeting. Cecil Wheeler, representing Teleios Capital Partners LLC, a Quadient shareholder, and Pascal Pruess, representing BWM AG, a Quadient shareholder, have been appointed in this respect.
Didier Lamouche will chair the General Meeting in his capacity as Chairman of the Board, while Geoffrey Godet, Quadient’s Chief Executive Officer and Laurent du Passage, Quadient’s Chief Financial Officer, will also be present.
Ralitza Vaiter, Legal Director Europe and International Operations, will act as Secretary to the Bureau.
About Quadient®
Quadient is the driving force behind the world’s most meaningful customer experiences. By focusing on three key solution areas, Intelligent Communication Automation, Parcel Locker Solutions and Mail-Related Solutions, Quadient helps simplify the connection between people and what matters. Quadient supports hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide in their quest to create relevant, personalized connections and achieve customer experience excellence. Quadient is listed in compartment B of Euronext Paris (QDT) and is part of the CAC® Mid & Small and EnterNext® Tech 40 indices.
For more information about Quadient, visit https://invest.quadient.com/en-US.
Laurent Sfaxi, Quadient +33 (0)1 45 36 61 39 l.sfaxi@quadient.com financial-communication@quadient.com
Caroline Baude, Quadient +33 (0)1 45 36 31 82 | OPRG Financial Isabelle Laurent / Fabrice Baron +33 (0)1 53 32 61 51 /+33 (0)1 53 32 61 27 isabelle.laurent@oprgfinancial.fr fabrice.baron@oprgfinancial.fr |