Q4 report
Interim condensed consolidated financial statement for the period ended 31 December 2021
Fourth quarter 2021-10-01 – 2021-12-31
- The total income of the Group was TEUR 199 620 (TEUR: 151 765), an increase of 31,5%.
- The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR 32 253 (TEUR: 20 948).
- The operating profit of the Group was TEUR 17 624 (TEUR: 5 037).
- The profit before tax of the Group was TEUR 17 085 (TEUR: 559).
- The profit after tax of the Group was TEUR 11 740 (TEUR: -3 283).
- Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0,88 (EUR: -0,23).
During the quarter the Brunton operation was divested with no significant impact on Fenix Outdoors’ financial key figures.
Period 2021-01-01 – 2021-12-31
- The total income of the Group was TEUR: 658 221 (TEUR: 571 512), an increase of 15,2%.
- The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR: 135 308 (TEUR: 109 964).
- The operating profit of the Group was TEUR 83 851 (TEUR: 61 096).
- The profit before tax of the Group was TEUR 81 741 (TEUR: 53 503).
- The profit after tax of the Group was TEUR 56 661 (TEUR: 33 866).
- Earnings per share amounted to EUR 4,25 (EUR: 2,54).
Dividend proposal and events after period closing:
The Board proposes an ordinary dividend of 15,00 (12,00) Swedish Kronor, ”SEK”, per B-share and 1,5 (1,2) SEK per A-share. The Board also proposes an extra dividend of SEK 5,0 per B-share and 0,5 per A-share.
Repurchase of own shares
The company restarts its possibility to repurchase own shares, conditions as stated in press release from 2019-02-14 with the exception that no time limit is set. The total number of repurchased shares can amount to a maximum of 706 700. Shares. As per 2021-12-31 the company holds 119 598 B-shares representing 0,89% of the capital.
No significant events after period close are noted.