Prospect Capital Announces September 2023 Financial Results and Declares Steady Monthly Dividends through January 2024 of $0.06 Per Common Share

NEW YORK, Nov. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prospect Capital Corporation (NASDAQ: PSEC) (“Prospect”, “our”, or “we”) today announced financial results for our fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2023.


All amounts in $000’s except
per share amounts (on weighted average
basis for period numbers)

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended
September 30, 2023 June 30, 2023 September 30, 2022
Net Investment Income (“NII”) $125,612 $112,779 $99,266
Basic NII per Common Share(1) $0.25 $0.23 $0.22
Interest as % of Total Investment Income 85.7% 89.1% 86.0%
Basic NII Coverage of Distributions to Common Shareholders 139% 128% 122%
Annualized Basic NII Return on Common NAV 10.8% 10.0% 8.8%
Net Income (Loss) Applicable to Common Shareholders $94,011 $(13,950) $(105,199)
Basic Net Income (Loss) per Common Share(2) $0.23 $(0.03) $(0.27)
Distributions to Common Shareholders $73,252 $72,490 $71,072
Distributions per Common Share $0.18 $0.18 $0.18
Since Oct 2017 Basic NII per Common Share(1) $4.89 $4.63 $3.97
Since Oct 2017 Distributions per Common Share $4.32 $4.14 $3.60
Since Oct 2017 Basic NII Less Distributions per Common Share $0.57 $0.49 $0.37
Since Oct 2017 Basic NII Coverage of Distributions to Common Shareholders 113% 112% 110%
Net Asset Value (“NAV”) to Common Shareholders $3,780,866 $3,732,665 $3,964,422
NAV per Common Share $9.25 $9.24 $10.01
Balance Sheet Cash + Undrawn Revolving Credit Facility Commitments $1,108,386 $993,443 $877,548
Net of Cash Debt to Equity Ratio(3) 46.5% 48.8% 53.5%
Net of Cash Asset Coverage of Debt Ratio(3) 314% 304% 286%
Unsecured Debt + Preferred Equity as % of Total Debt + Preferred Equity 77.0% 74.8% 77.9%
Unsecured or Non-Recourse Debt as % of Total Debt 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

(1) Basic NII is calculated by dividing NII, less preferred dividends, by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding. 
(2) Basic Net Income (Loss) is calculated by dividing Net Income (Loss) by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
(3) Including our preferred stock as equity.


Prospect is declaring distributions to common shareholders as follows:

Monthly Cash Common Shareholder Distribution Record Date Payment Date Amount ($ per share)
November 2023 11/28/2023 12/19/2023 $0.0600
December 2023 12/27/2023 1/18/2024 $0.0600
January 2024 1/29/2024 2/20/2024 $0.0600

These monthly cash distributions are the 75th, 76th, and 77th consecutive $0.06 per share distributions to common shareholders. Prospect’s objective is to maintain or increase such distributions per common share over time.

Prospect expects to declare February 2024, March 2024, and April 2024 distributions to common shareholders in February 2024.

Based on the declarations above, Prospect’s closing stock price of $5.35 at November 7, 2023 delivers to our common shareholders an annualized distribution yield of 13.5% and an annualized basic NII yield of 18.7%, representing 139% basic NII coverage of common distributions.

Taking into account past distributions and our current share count for declared distributions, since inception through our January 2024 declared distribution, Prospect will have distributed $20.58 per share to original common shareholders, representing 2.2 times September 2023 common NAV per share, aggregating approximately $4.10 billion in cumulative distributions to all common shareholders.

Since inception in 2004, Prospect has invested $20.4 billion across 419 investments, exiting 283 of these investments.

Since October 2017, our NII per common share has aggregated $4.89 while our common shareholder and preferred shareholder distributions per common share have aggregated $4.32, with our NII exceeding common and preferred distributions during this period by $0.57 per common share and representing 113% coverage.

Drivers focused on enhancing accretive NII per share growth include (1) our $2.05 billion targeted 6.50% perpetual preferred stock offerings, (2) greater utilization of our cost efficient revolving floating rate credit facility, (3) increase of short-term SOFR rates based on Fed tightening to boost asset yields, (4) optimization of portfolio company performance, and (5) increased primary and secondary originations of senior secured debt and selected equity investments targeting attractive risk-adjusted yields and total returns as we deploy dry powder from our underleveraged balance sheet.

Our senior management team and employees own over 27% of all common shares outstanding, over $1.0 billion of our common equity as measured at NAV.


Prospect is declaring monthly distributions to 5.50% preferred shareholders at an annual rate of 5.50% of the stated value of $25.00 per share, from the date of issuance or, if later, from the most recent dividend payment date (the first business day of the month, with no additional dividend accruing in January as a result), as follows:

Monthly Cash 5.50% Preferred Shareholder Distribution Record Date Payment Date Monthly Amount ($ per share), before pro ration for partial periods
December 2023 12/20/2023 1/2/2024 $0.114583
January 2024 1/17/2024 2/1/2024 $0.114583
February 2024 2/21/2024 3/1/2024 $0.114583

Prospect is declaring monthly distributions to 6.50% preferred shareholders at an annual rate of 6.50% of the stated value of $25.00 per share, from the date of issuance or, if later, from the most recent dividend payment date (the first business day of the month, with no additional dividend accruing in January as a result), as follows:

Monthly Cash 6.50% Preferred Shareholder Distribution Record Date Payment Date Monthly Amount ($ per share), before pro ration for partial periods
December 2023 12/20/2023 1/2/2024 $0.135417
January 2024 1/17/2024 2/1/2024 $0.135417
February 2024 2/21/2024 3/1/2024 $0.135417

Prospect is declaring our quarterly distribution to Series A preferred shareholders at an annual rate of 5.35% of the stated value of $25.00 per share, from the date of issuance or, if later, from the most recent dividend payment date, as follows:

Quarterly Cash 5.35% Preferred Shareholder Distribution Record Date Payment Date Amount ($ per share)
November 2023 – January 2024 1/17/2024 2/1/2024 $0.334375


All amounts in $000’s except
per unit amounts

As of As of As of
September 30, 2023 June 30, 2023 September 30, 2022
Total Investments (at fair value) $7,736,817 $7,724,931 $7,582,665
Number of Portfolio Companies 128 130 128
First Lien Debt 57.3% 56.5% 51.8%
Second Lien Debt 15.9% 16.4% 19.0%
Subordinated Structured Notes 8.1% 8.6% 9.2%
Unsecured Debt 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Equity Investments 18.6% 18.4% 19.9%
Mix of Investments with Underlying Collateral Security 81.3% 81.5% 80.0%
Annualized Current Yield – All Investments 10.3% 10.7% 9.9%
Annualized Current Yield – Performing Interest Bearing Investments 12.7% 13.3% 12.4%
Top Industry Concentration(1) 18.2% 18.6% 18.6%
Retail Industry Concentration(1) 0.3% 0.3% 0.4%
Energy Industry Concentration(1) 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure Concentration(1) 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Non-Accrual Loans as % of Total Assets (2) 0.2% 1.1% 0.3%
Middle-Market Loan Portfolio Company Weighted Average EBITDA(3) $111,026 $113,071 $114,238
Middle-Market Loan Portfolio Company Weighted Average Net Leverage Ratio(3) 5.3x 5.2x 5.3x

(1)  Excluding our underlying industry-diversified structured credit portfolio.
(2)  Calculated at fair value.
(3) For additional disclosure see “Middle-Market Loan Portfolio Company Weighted Average EBITDA and Net Leverage” at the end of this release.

During the December 2023 (to date), September 2023, and June 2023 quarters, investment originations and repayments were as follows:

All amounts in $000’s

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended
December 31, 2023 (to date) September 30, 2023 June 30, 2023
Total Originations $57,160 $131,074 $372,236
Real Estate 53.5% 48.5% 18.1%
Structured Notes 24.5% —% 2.7%
Middle-Market Lending 22.0% 40.6% 69.0%
Middle-Market Lending / Buyout —% 10.9% 10.2%
Total Repayments and Sales $1,723 $93,646 $121,745
Originations, Net of Repayments and Sales $55,437 $37,428 $250,491

For additional disclosure see “Primary Origination Strategies” at the end of this release.

We have invested in subordinated structured notes benefiting from individual standalone financings non-recourse to Prospect, with our risk limited in each case to our net investment. At September 30, 2023 and June 30, 2023, our subordinated structured note portfolio at fair value consisted of the following:

All amounts in $000’s except
per unit amounts

As of As of
September 30, 2023 June 30, 2023
Total Subordinated Structured Notes $626,746 $665,002
Subordinated Structured Notes as % of Portfolio 8.1% 8.6%
# of Investments(2) 33 35
TTM Average Cash Yield(1)(2) 17.5% 16.1
Annualized GAAP Yield on Fair Value(1)(2) 10.7% 12.8
Cumulative Cash Distributions on Current Portfolio $1,422,537 $1,460,824
% of Original Investment 116.2% 112.7%
# of Underlying Collateral Loans 1,593 1,613

(1) Calculation based on fair value.
(2) Excludes investments being redeemed.

To date we have exited 15 subordinated structured notes with an expected pooled average realized gross IRR of 12.0% and cash on cash multiple of 1.3 times.


Our multi-year, long-term laddered and diversified historical funding profile has included a $1.95 billion revolving credit facility (with 53 lenders, an increase of 11 lenders including our prior September 2022 extension and related upsizing), program notes, institutional bonds, convertible bonds, listed preferred stock, and program preferred stock. We have retired multiple upcoming maturities and, as of today, we have $81.24M of debt maturing during the calendar year 2024, which we intend to repay at maturity using credit facility and preferred stock proceeds. The combined amount of our balance sheet cash and undrawn revolving credit facility commitments is currently approximately $968 million.

On September 15, 2022, we completed an amendment and upsizing of our existing revolving credit facility (the “Facility”) for Prospect Capital Funding, extending the term 1.5 years. The Facility includes a revolving period that extends through September 15, 2026, followed by an additional one-year amortization period. Pricing for amounts drawn under the Facility is one-month SOFR plus 2.05%.

Our total unfunded eligible commitments to portfolio companies totals approximately $27 million, 0.3% of our total assets as of September 30, 2023.

  As of As of
All amounts in $000’s September 30, 2023 June 30, 2023
Net of Cash Debt to Equity Ratio(1) 46.5% 48.8%
% of Interest-Bearing Assets at Floating Rates 83.4% 84.7%
% of Fixed Rate Debt & Preferred Equity 77.0% 74.8%
Balance Sheet Cash + Undrawn Revolving Credit Facility Commitments $1,108,386 $993,443
Unencumbered Assets $4,807,645 $4,757,653
% of Total Assets 61.2% 60.5%

(1) Including our preferred stock as equity.

The below table summarizes our September 2023 quarter term debt issuance and repurchase/repayment activity:

All amounts in $000’s Principal Coupon Maturity
Debt Issuances      
Prospect Capital InterNotes® $3,976 5.75% – 6.50% July 2026 – September 2043
Total Debt Issuances $3,976    
Debt Repurchases/Repayments      
Prospect Capital InterNotes® $3,247 2.75% – 5.50% February 2026 – March 2052
Total Debt Repurchases/Repayments $3,247    
Net Debt Repurchases/Repayments $729    

We currently have five separate unsecured debt issuances aggregating over $1.2 billion outstanding, not including our program notes, with laddered maturities extending through October 2028. At September 30, 2023, $358.8 million of program notes were outstanding with laddered maturities through March 2052.

At September 30, 2023, our weighted average cost of unsecured debt financing was 4.08%, an increase of 0.01% from June 30, 2023, and a decrease of 0.25% from September 30, 2022.

On August 3, 2020 and October 3, 2020, we launched our $1.75 billion 5.50% perpetual preferred stock offering programs. On October 7, 2022, we amended our existing $1.75 billion in perpetual preferred stock offering programs to offer new 6.50% series of shares. On February 10, 2023, we upsized our existing $1.75 billion total offerings to $2.05 billion. Prospect expects to use the net proceeds from the offering programs to maintain and enhance balance sheet liquidity, including repaying our credit facility and purchasing high quality short-term debt instruments, and to make long-term investments in accordance with our investment objective. The preferred stock provides Prospect with a diversified source of accretive fixed-rate capital without creating maturity risk due to the perpetual term. To date we have issued over $1.5 billion of our 6.50% and 5.50% perpetual preferred stock programs (including $80 million in the September 2023 quarter and, to date, $32 million in the current December 2023 quarter).

On July 19, 2021, we closed a $150 million listed 5.35% perpetual preferred stock offering. Prospect used the net proceeds from the offering to maintain and enhance balance sheet liquidity, including repaying our credit facility and redeeming higher cost program notes.

In connection with our 5.50% and 6.50% perpetual preferred stock offering programs we have adopted and amended a Preferred Stock Dividend Reinvestment Plan, pursuant to which holders of the preferred stock will have dividends on their preferred stock automatically reinvested in additional shares of such preferred stock at a 5% discount to the stated value per share of $25.00, if they elect.

We currently have over $1.6 billion in preferred stock outstanding.

Prospect holds recently reaffirmed investment grade company ratings, all with a stable outlook, from Standard & Poor’s (BBB-), Moody’s (Baa3), Kroll (BBB-), Egan-Jones (BBB), and DBRS (BBB (low)). Maintaining our investment grade ratings with prudent asset, liability, and risk management is an important objective for Prospect.


We have adopted a dividend reinvestment plan (also known as our “DRIP”) that provides for reinvestment of our distributions on behalf of our shareholders, unless a shareholder elects to receive cash. On April 17, 2020, our board of directors approved amendments to the Company’s DRIP, effective May 21, 2020. These amendments principally provide for the number of newly-issued shares pursuant to the DRIP to be determined by dividing (i) the total dollar amount of the distribution payable by (ii) 95% of the closing market price per share of our stock on the valuation date of the distribution (providing a 5% discount to the market price of our common stock), a benefit to shareholders who participate.


Shares held with a broker or financial institution

Many shareholders have been automatically “opted out” of our DRIP by their brokers. Even if you have elected to automatically reinvest your PSEC stock with your broker, your broker may have “opted out” of our DRIP (which utilizes DTC’s dividend reinvestment service), and you may therefore not be receiving the 5% pricing discount. Shareholders interested in participating in our DRIP to receive the 5% discount should contact their brokers to make sure each such DRIP participation election has been made through DTC. In making such DRIP election, each shareholder should specify to one’s broker the desire to participate in the “Prospect Capital Corporation DRIP through DTC” that issues shares based on 95% of the market price (a 5% discount to the market price) and not the broker’s own “synthetic DRIP” plan (if any) that offers no such discount. Each shareholder should not assume one’s broker will automatically place such shareholder in our DRIP through DTC. Each shareholder will need to make this election proactively with one’s broker or risk not receiving the 5% discount. Each shareholder may also consult with a representative of such shareholder’s broker to request that the number of shares the shareholder wishes to enroll in our DRIP be re-registered by the broker in the shareholder’s own name as record owner in order to participate directly in our DRIP.

Shares registered directly with our transfer agent

If a shareholder holds shares registered in the shareholder’s own name with our transfer agent (less than 0.1% of our shareholders hold shares this way) and wants to make a change to how the shareholder receives dividends, please contact our plan administrator, American Stock Transfer and Trust Company LLC by calling (888) 888-0313 or by mailing American Stock Transfer and Trust Company LLC, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11219.


Prospect will host an earnings call on Thursday November 9, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Dial 888-338-7333. For a replay prior to December 9, 2023 visit or call 877-344-7529 with passcode 3766732.

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
  September 30, 2023   June 30, 2023
Investments at fair value:      
Control investments (amortized cost of $3,060,201 and $2,988,496, respectively) $ 3,625,608     $ 3,571,697  
Affiliate investments (amortized cost of $10,162 and $8,855, respectively)   12,541       10,397  
Non-control/non-affiliate investments (amortized cost of $4,543,490 and $4,803,245, respectively)   4,098,668       4,142,837  
Total investments at fair value (amortized cost of $7,613,853 and $7,800,596, respectively)   7,736,817       7,724,931  
Cash and Cash Equivalents (restricted cash of $4,575 and $5,074, respectively)   68,907       95,646  
Receivables for:      
Interest, net   30,796       22,701  
Other   1,057       1,051  
Deferred financing costs on Revolving Credit Facility   14,906       15,569  
Due from broker   435       617  
Prepaid expenses   893       1,149  
Due from Affiliate   17       2  
Total Assets   7,853,828       7,861,666  
Revolving Credit Facility   915,021       1,014,703  
Public Notes (less unamortized discount and debt issuance costs of $15,929 and $17,103, respectively)   1,065,311       1,064,137  
Prospect Capital InterNotes® (less unamortized debt issuance costs of $6,510 and $6,688, respectively)   352,324       351,417  
Convertible Notes (less unamortized discount and debt issuance costs of $1,350 and $1,577, respectively)   154,818       154,591  
Due to Prospect Capital Management   64,906       61,651  
Dividends payable   24,798       31,033  
Interest payable   20,303       22,684  
Accrued expenses   3,590       4,926  
Due to Prospect Administration   1,521       4,066  
Due to broker   16       94  
Due to Affiliate         161  
Other liabilities   107       1,524  
Total Liabilities   2,602,715       2,710,987  
Commitments and Contingencies      
Preferred Stock, par value $0.001 per share (447,900,000 and 447,900,000 shares of preferred stock authorized, with 72,000,000 and 72,000,000 as Series A1, 72,000,000 and 72,000,000 as Series M1, 72,000,000 and 72,000,000 as Series M2, 20,000,000 and 20,000,000 as Series AA1, 20,000,000 and 20,000,000 as Series MM1, 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 as Series A2, 6,900,000 and 6,900,000 as Series A, 72,000,000 and 72,000,000 as Series A3, 72,000,000 and 72,000,000 as Series M3, 20,000,000 and 20,000,000 as Series AA2, and 20,000,000 and 20,000,000 as Series MM2, each as of September 30, 2023 and June 30, 2023; 30,780,669 and 30,965,138 Series A1 shares issued and outstanding; 3,155,352 and 3,681,591 Series M1 shares issued and outstanding; 0 and 0 Series M2 shares issued and outstanding; 0 and 0 Series AA1 shares issued and outstanding; 0 and 0 Series MM1 shares issued and outstanding; 164,000 and 164,000 Series A2 shares issued and outstanding; 5,900,345 and 5,962,654 Series A shares issued and outstanding; 21,611,105 and 18,829,837 Series A3 shares issued and outstanding; 2,882,254 and 2,498,788 Series M3 shares issued and outstanding; 0 and 0 Series AA2 shares issued and outstanding; and 0 and 0 Series MM2 shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2023 and June 30, 2023, respectively) at carrying value plus cumulative accrued and unpaid dividends.   1,470,247       1,418,014  
Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares $ 3,780,866     $ 3,732,665  
Components of Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares and Net Assets, respectively      
Common stock, par value $0.001 per share (1,552,100,000 and 1,552,100,000 common shares authorized; 408,618,704 and 404,033,549 issued and outstanding, respectively)   409       404  
Paid-in capital in excess of par   4,151,023       4,123,586  
Total distributable (loss) earnings   (370,566 )     (391,325 )
Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares $ 3,780,866     $ 3,732,665  
Net Asset Value Per Common Share $ 9.25     $ 9.24  

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
  Three Months Ended September 30,
    2023       2022  
Investment Income      
Interest income:      
Control investments $ 73,243     $ 62,263  
Affiliate investments         7,461  
Non-control/non-affiliate investments   112,517       81,698  
Structured credit securities   16,687       22,896  
Total interest income   202,447       174,318  
Dividend income:      
Control investments   227       1,187  
Affiliate investments   1,307       1,374  
Non-control/non-affiliate investments   1,525       340  
Total dividend income   3,059       2,901  
Other income:      
Control investments   29,745       20,665  
Affiliate investments         133  
Non-control/non-affiliate investments   994       4,657  
Total other income   30,739       25,455  
Total Investment Income   236,245       202,674  
Operating Expenses      
Base management fee   39,289       38,314  
Income incentive fee   25,617       21,626  
Interest and credit facility expenses   40,593       33,870  
Allocation of overhead from Prospect Administration   2,113       3,099  
Audit, compliance and tax related fees   1,017       2,301  
Directors’ fees   135       131  
Other general and administrative expenses   1,869       4,067  
Total Operating Expenses   110,633       103,408  
Net Investment Income   125,612       99,266  
Net Realized and Net Change in Unrealized (Losses) Gains from Investments      
Net realized losses      
Control investments   (147 )     (1,093 )
Non-control/non-affiliate investments   (207,342 )     (22,084 )
Net realized losses   (207,489 )     (23,177 )
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)      
Control investments   (17,794 )     (47,289 )
Affiliate investments   837       (70,786 )
Non-control/non-affiliate investments   215,586       (50,425 )
Net change in unrealized gains (losses)   198,629       (168,500 )
Net Realized and Net Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) from Investments   (8,860 )     (191,677 )
Net realized losses on extinguishment of debt   (91 )     (28 )
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations   116,661       (92,439 )
Preferred stock dividend   (23,151 )     (12,760 )
Gain on Repurchase of Preferred Stock   501        
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations applicable to Common Stockholders $ 94,011     $ (105,199 )

(in actual dollars)
  Three Months Ended September 30,  
    2023       2022    
Per Share Data        
Net asset value per common share at beginning of period $ 9.24     $ 10.48    
Net investment income(1)   0.31       0.25    
Net realized and change in unrealized gains (losses)(1)   (0.02 )     (0.48 )  
Net increase (decrease) from operations   0.29       (0.23 )  
Distributions of net investment income to preferred stockholders   (0.06 ) (3 )   (0.03 )  
Distributions of capital gains to preferred stockholders     (3 )      
Net increase (decrease) from operations applicable to common stockholders(4)   0.23       (0.26 )  
Distributions of net investment income to common stockholders   (0.18 ) (3 )   (0.16 )  
Distributions of capital gains to common stockholders     (3 )   (0.02 )  
Common stock transactions(2)   (0.04 )     (0.03 )  
Net asset value per common share at end of period $ 9.25     $ 10.01    

(1) Per share data amount is based on the basic weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the year/period presented (except for dividends to stockholders which is based on actual rate per share). Realized gains (losses) is inclusive of net realized losses (gains) on investments, realized losses from extinguishment of debt and realized gains from the repurchase of preferred stock.

(2) Common stock transactions include the effect of our issuance of common stock in public offerings (net of underwriting and offering costs), shares issued in connection with our common stock dividend reinvestment plan, common shares issued to acquire investments and common shares repurchased below net asset value pursuant to our Repurchase Program, and common shares issued pursuant to the Holder Optional Conversion of our 5.50% and 6.50% Preferred Stock.

(3) Tax character of distributions is not yet finalized for the respective fiscal period.

(4) Diluted net increase from operations applicable to common stockholders was $0.18 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Diluted net decrease from operations applicable to common stockholders was $0.27 for the three months ended September 30, 2022.


Middle-Market Loan Portfolio Company Weighted Average Net Leverage (“Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage”) and Middle-Market Loan Portfolio Company Weighted Average EBITDA (“Middle-Market Portfolio EBITDA”) provide clarity into the underlying capital structure of PSEC’s middle-market loan portfolio investments and the likelihood that such portfolio will make interest payments and repay principal.

Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage reflects the net leverage of each of PSEC’s middle-market loan portfolio company debt investments, weighted based on the current fair market value of such debt investments. The net leverage for each middle-market loan portfolio company is calculated based on PSEC’s investment in the capital structure of such portfolio company, with a maximum limit of 10.0x adjusted EBITDA. This calculation excludes debt subordinate to PSEC’s position within the capital structure because PSEC’s exposure to interest payment and principal repayment risk is limited beyond that point. Additionally, subordinated structured notes, rated secured structured notes, real estate investments, investments for which EBITDA is not available, and equity investments, for which principal repayment is not fixed, are also not included in the calculation. The calculation does not exceed 10.0x adjusted EBITDA for any individual investment because 10.0x captures the highest level of risk to PSEC. Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage provides PSEC with some guidance as to PSEC’s exposure to the interest payment and principal repayment risk of PSEC’s middle-market loan portfolio. PSEC monitors its Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage on a quarterly basis.

Middle-Market Portfolio EBITDA is used by PSEC to supplement Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage and generally indicates a portfolio company’s ability to make interest payments and repay principal. Middle-Market Portfolio EBITDA is calculated using the EBITDA of each of PSEC’s middle-market loan portfolio companies, weighted based on the current fair market value of the related investments. The calculation provides PSEC with insight into profitability and scale of the portfolio companies within PSEC’s middle-market loan portfolio.

These calculations include addbacks that are typically negotiated and documented in the applicable investment documents, including but not limited to transaction costs, share-based compensation, management fees, foreign currency translation adjustments, and other nonrecurring transaction expenses.

Together, Middle-Market Portfolio Net Leverage and Middle-Market Portfolio EBITDA assist PSEC in assessing the likelihood that PSEC will timely receive interest and principal payments. However, these calculations are not meant to substitute for an analysis of PSEC’s underlying portfolio company debt investments, but to supplement such analysis.


Lending to Companies – We make directly-originated, agented loans to companies, including companies which are controlled by private equity sponsors and companies that are not controlled by private equity sponsors (such as companies that are controlled by the management team, the founder, a family or public shareholders). This debt can take the form of first lien, second lien, unitranche or unsecured loans. These loans typically have equity subordinate to our loan position. We may also purchase selected equity co-investments in such companies. In addition to directly-originated, agented loans, we also invest in senior and secured loans, syndicated loans and high yield bonds that have been sold to a club or syndicate of buyers, both in the primary and secondary markets. These investments are often purchased with a long term, buy-and-hold outlook, and we often look to provide significant input to the transaction by providing anchoring orders.

Lending to Companies and Purchasing Controlling Equity Positions in Such Companies – This strategy involves purchasing senior and secured yield-producing debt and controlling equity positions in middle-market companies across various industries. We believe this strategy provides enhanced certainty of closing to sellers, and the opportunity for management to continue in their current roles. These investments are often structured in tax-efficient partnerships, enhancing returns.

Purchasing Controlling Equity Positions and Lending to Real Estate Companies – We purchase debt and controlling equity positions in tax-efficient real estate investment trusts (“REIT” or “REITs”). The real estate investments of National Property REIT Corp. (“NPRC”) are in various classes of developed and occupied real estate properties that generate current yields, including multi-family properties, student housing, and senior living. NPRC seeks to identify properties that have historically attractive occupancy rates and recurring cash flow generation. NPRC generally co-invests with established and experienced property management teams that manage such properties after acquisition.

Investing in Structured Credit – We make investments in structured credit, often taking a significant position in subordinated structured notes (equity) and rated secured structured notes (debt). The underlying portfolio of each structured credit investment is diversified across approximately 100 to 200 broadly syndicated loans and does not have direct exposure to real estate, mortgages, or consumer-based credit assets. The structured credit portfolios in which we invest are managed by established collateral management teams with many years of experience in the industry.


Prospect Capital Corporation ( is a business development company that focuses on lending to and investing in private businesses. Our investment objective is to generate both current income and long-term capital appreciation through debt and equity investments.

We have elected to be treated as a business development company under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”). We are required to comply with regulatory requirements under the 1940 Act as well as applicable NASDAQ, federal, and state rules and regulations. We have elected to be treated as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, whose safe harbor for forward-looking statements does not apply to business development companies. Any such statements, other than statements of historical fact, are highly likely to be affected by other unknowable future events and conditions, including elements of the future that are or are not under our control, and that we may or may not have considered; accordingly, such statements cannot be guarantees or assurances of any aspect of future performance. Actual developments and results are highly likely to vary materially from any forward-looking statements. Such statements speak only as of the time when made. We undertake no obligation to update any such statement now or in the future.

For additional information, contact:

Grier Eliasek, President and Chief Operating Officer
Telephone (212) 448-0702

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