Proposal for changes to the Board of Directors in EAC Invest A/S – Company announcement 10/2020

Copenhagen, 6 April 2020
In connection with fundamental changes to the company’s work, focus and tasks ahead, the Board proposes changes to the composition of the Board of Directors for election at the Annual General Assembly on 30 April 2020.The Board proposes re-election of Jesper Teddy Lok, and in addition proposes election of Ole Steffensen and Martin Thaysen as new Members of the Board. Martin Thaysen will continue daily management of the company.Current Chairman, Henning Kruse Petersen, and current Vice Chairman, Preben Sunke, will not seek re-election.Under the assumption that above candidates are elected for the Board, it is the intention to elect Jesper Teddy Lok as Chairman for the Board of Directors after the Annual General Meeting.Further information about the candidates for the Board, will be available in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting, which is expected to be sent on Wednesday 8 April 2020.
for EAC Invest A/SThe Board of Directors
For further information please contact:
Martin Thaysen, CEO, e-mail
AttachmentProposal for changes to the Board of Directors in EAC Invest AS – Company announcement No 10 2020