Proactive news headlines including Predictive Discovery, Nova Minerals, Creso Pharma and Strategic Elements
Sydney, June 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Predictive Discovery Ltd (ASX:PDI) has extended NE Bankan prospect at depth with strong gold grades of up to 5 metres at 2.4 g/t from 245 metres in diamond drilling at the Bankan Gold Project in Guinea. Click here
- Nova Minerals Ltd (OTCMKTS:NVAAF) (ASX:NVA) (FRA:QM3) has welcomed a resource update from the Thompson Brothers Lithium Project in Canada through its majority- owned subsidiary Snow Lake Resources Ltd. Click here
- Creso Pharma Ltd (ASX:CPH) (FRA:1X8) has traded higher on news that target acquisition company Halucenex Life Sciences Inc is looking to capitalise on recent regulatory shifts in the Californian healthcare market with its psychedelic products. Click here
- Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) is to negotiate a new agreement with global Fortune 100 software-industrial company Honeywell International Inc (NASDAQ:HON) to further develop and commercialise the Autonomous Security Vehicle (ASV). Click here
- Lithium Australia NL (ASX:LIT) (OTCMKTS:LMMFF) (FRA:3MW) has received a standard patent ‘Certificate of Grant’ from IP Australia for its SiLeach® extraction technology for low-energy recovery of lithium from micas – potentially a short-cut in the production of lithium-ion batteries. Click here
- Miramar Resources Ltd (ASX:M2R) has kickstarted a reverse circulation (RC) and aircore drilling campaign at the Gidji Gold Project Joint Venture (JV) in WA’s Eastern Goldfields. Click here
- European Lithium “at forefront of Europe’s battle for white gold”, Spark Plus reports
European Lithium Ltd (ASX:EUR) (FRA:PF8) has welcomed a research report by Spark Plus Pte Ltd analyst Cyprus Sia who says the company is leading the charge to be among the first few electric vehicle (EV) battery-grade lithium suppliers within Europe by 2023. Click here - Twenty Seven Co Ltd (ASX:TSC) has completed a 662 hole auger drilling campaign for 987 metres over the entire Yarbu tenement package, providing an unparallel geochemical insight into an underexplored part of the Marda-Diemals Greenstone Belt. Click here
- Shree Minerals Limited (ASX:SHH) has discovered new copper occurrences during its first site visit to the Edwards Creek Project in the Northern Territory and this comes at a time of very positive copper market fundamentals. Click here
- Matador Mining Ltd (ASX:MZZ) (OTCMKTS:MZZMF) (FRA:MA3) has boosted its landholding across a major Newfoundland gold region following a strategic review. Click here
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