Press release Horizon
Press release
Paris, April 15th 2021
Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever announce that they will not renew their cooperation in 2022 put in place through the structures Horizon France and Horizon International services.
After three years of collaboration and having achieved their initial objectives, Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever, have, by mutual consent, agreed not to renew their cooperation agreements in 2022. For the last three years, the partners have cooperated through two separate structures: Horizon Achats and Appels d’Offres (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, METRO and Schiever) and Horizon International Services (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA and METRO). Going forward, they will each seek a purchasing set up that is directly aligned with their own strategic priorities.
The partners will continue to honor all of the obligations previously agreed with suppliers and partners until the end of 2021.
Antoine PERNOD + 33 (0)6 64 20 06 64 –
CASINO group
Lara VADILLO +34 619226587 –
Hülya DAGLI +49 211 6886 4252 –
About Auchan Retail
Present in 13 countries, Auchan Retail encompasses all food trade formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, click-and-collect and e-commerce) with 1,985 points of sale. Auchan Retail places its customers at the heart of its strategy by offering them a phygital shopping experience combining physical stores with the digital ecosystem, as well as exclusive, high-quality products at the best possible prices. Nextgeneration retailers, campaigners for good, healthy and local products, Auchan Retail’s 179,590 employees work responsibly with customers, farmers and suppliers so that everyone can improve their quality of life by eating better.
To follow us: – Twitter @auchannews – LinkedIn Auchan Retail
About Casino
Casino Group is a well-established and key player in the French retail industry as well as a leader in the global food retail market, with more than 11,000 stores worldwide – in France and Latin America. The Group has built up a portfolio of strong, dynamic and complementary banners, thanks to its workforce of over 200,000 people driven by a passion for retail and customer service, generating consolidated net sales of €31.9bn in 2020. In all of its host countries, the Casino Group focuses its development on the formats with the highest potential and ability to adapt in order to meet customer needs, both today and in the future. For more information,
About DIA
DIA Group (Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación) is a leading local supermarket chain, with 6,169 stores and franchises in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Argentina. DIA is primarily supplied by local suppliers and meets the day-to-day food needs of over 20 million loyal customers, thanks to the commitment of its 39,000 employees across the globe.
METRO is a leading international wholesale company with food and non-food assortments that specialises in serving the needs of hotels, restaurants and caterers (HoReCa) as well as independent traders. Around the world, METRO has some 16 million customers, who can choose whether to shop in one of the large-format stores, order online and collect their purchases at the store or have them delivered. METRO also supports the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and independent businesses with digital solutions and thereby contributes to cultural diversity in retail and hospitality. Sustainability is a key pillar of METRO’s business. METRO has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 7 consecutive years. The company operates in 34 countries and employs more than 97,000 people worldwide. In financial year 2019/20, METRO generated sales of €25.6 billion. For more information, please visit In addition, in our online magazine, we also report on the things that affect our customers, employees, partners and suppliers – and the things that we do for them
About Schiever
Schiever is a tribe of 7,100 collaborators, who all share “another idea of the retail business” throughout 15 brands in France, Tajikistan, Poland and Russia.
This idea originated from the ambition to build a different relationship with the group’ stakeholders : closer, more respectful and more committed.
Located in Avallon (Yonne, France), and mostly active in the region of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the group owns around 170 stores specialised in various sectors such as food retail, hardware, clothes, decoration and some restaurants (bi1, Atac, Maximarché, Proximarché, Auchan, Weldom, Bricoman, Hôli, Schiever Déco, l’Atelier, Kiabi, Flunch).
Visit our website for more information :
- 2021.04.15 – Press release Horizon