PLC UUTECHNIC GROUP OYJ INSIDE INFORMATION October 19, 2020 at 9:00 am PLC UUTECHNIC GROUP OYJ BUSINESS REVIEW FROM JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 2020ORDER BACKLOG INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLYThis business review presents the key figures of UTG’s continuing operations, main events in January–September 2020 and comparison figures for the previous year. The figures are unaudited.UTG’s turnover from continuing operations for 1 January – 30 September 2020 was EUR 12,0 million (12.7 million) and its operating profit was EUR 0.7 million (0.8 million). The Group’s order book on 30 September 2020 stood at EUR 8.7 million (6.5 million) and order intake from the beginning of the year was EUR 14.4 million (12.5 million). In the third quarter of the fiscal year, order intake was EUR 5.4 million (2.9 million).OUTLOOKThe Group strives to be a globally known and preferred cooperation partner, with a good financial standing, in selected product and market segments. The Group pursues growth organically while considering opportunities for growth through acquisitions. Moreover, the aim is to grow the business by developing and harmonizing the sales and delivery process and expanding into new markets.The second wave of the corona pandemic has started moving strongly in different countries. UTG personnel has avoided infections. At least so far, the pandemic has not had a major impact on our operations. Pandemic preparedness continues.At the end of the third quarter, the order backlog is significantly better than last year due to very good order intake. Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj repeats its outlook, where we are more profitable already on the current year than before, however in a major growth and profitability leap we believe only after year 2020.MIXING TECHNOLOGY BUSINESSThe January-September turnover of UTG decreased by 6.1 % compared to previous year, but profitability remained at the same level of 5.9 % (6.0). The third quarter last year was very strong and in this year there will be relatively more project deliveries in the last quarter of the year. Despite the pandemic, the order intake in July-September was very strong and the order backlog is 34% higher than last year.The implementation of the information system project is progressing according to plan.STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASES AND PRESS RELEASES PUBLISHED DURING THE REVIEW PERIODStock Exchange Releases29.01.2020 Uutechnic Group is sharpening its organization20.02.2020 Uutechnic Group changes its name to UTG Mixing Group25.02.2020 Review of Financial Statements 1 January – 31 December 201925.02.2020 UTG Mixing Group confirms its strategy for years 2020-2022 and financial targets04.03.2020 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj04.03.2020 Financial Statements, Corporate Governance Statement and Remuneration Statement for 2019 have been published18.03.2020 Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj cancels Its Annual General Meeting27.04.2020 Business review January – March 202008.06.2020 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj08.06.2020 Correction to the Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj’s invitation to the Annual General Meeting30.06.2020 The resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj and the decisions of the Board of Directors20.07.2020 Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj: Half Year Report 1.1.-30.6.202013.08.2020 Significant order for UTG Mixing GroupPress Releases:16.7.2020 Significant order for UTG Mixing Group12.08.2020 Significant order for UTG Mixing Group In Uusikaupunki October 19, 2020PLC UUTECHNIC GROUP OYJBoard of DirectorsFurther information: Jouko Peräaho, CEO, +358 50 074 0808www.utgmix.comUTG Mixing Group is a global technology group that provides competitive mixing solutions with a customer-oriented approach, minimizing life cycle costs. “Partnership built to last – and perform” is our brand promise. We always serve the customer in the best possible way by bringing our global capabilities locally close to the customer.Our main customer sectors are the chemical, food, metallurgical and fertilizer industries, as well as environmental technology, water treatment and pharmaceuticals.The parent company of UTG Mixing Group is Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj, whose shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. The business is carried out in the subsidiaries of the group, Uutechnic Oy and Stelzer Rührtechnik International GmbH.