Ørsted successfully issues dual-tranche green hybrid capital securities

Ørsted A/S has today priced subordinated green hybrid capital securities of EUR 500 million with final maturity on 18 February 3021 and first interest reset date in 2031 (NC10) and GBP 425 million with final maturity on 18 February 3021 and first interest reset date in 2033 (NC12). Both issues have settlement date on 18 February 2021.The purpose of the new issues is to increase Ørsted’s total amount of outstanding hybrid capital and refinance part of the existing EUR 700 million 6.25% hybrid capital securities issued in 2013, which is callable at par on 26 June 2023.Key details of the new EUR 500 million subordinated green hybrid capital security:Nominal amount: EUR 500 millionMaturity date: 18 February 3021Issuer call option: at par from 18 August 2030 to and including 18 February 2031 and on any coupon payment day thereafterIssue credit spread: 161.0bpFixed annual coupon until 18 February 2031: 1.50%Issue price: 100.00% of nominal amountOrderbook: 7.0x oversubscribedListing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange (official list) and the Luxembourg Green Exchange Platform (LGX)Key details of the new GBP 425 million subordinated green hybrid capital security:Nominal amount: GBP 425 millionMaturity date: 18 February 3021Issuer call option: at par from 18 August 2032 to and including 18 February 2033 and on any coupon payment day thereafterIssue credit spread: 188.6bpFixed annual coupon until 18 February 2033: 2.50%Issue price: 100.00% of nominal amountOrderbook: 7.5x oversubscribedListing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange (official list) and the Luxembourg Green Exchange Platform (LGX)The information in this announcement does not change Ørsted’s financial guidance for the financial year 2021 or the announced expected investment level for 2021.For further information, please contact:Media Relations
Carsten Birkeland Kjær
+ 45 99 55 77 65
cabkj@orsted.dkInvestor Relations
Allan Bødskov Andersen
+ 45 99 55 79 96Attachment10FEB2021_Ørsted successfully issues dual-tranche green hybrid capital securities