Orocobre reports no injuries, only minor damage from earthquake near Naraha plant

BRISBANE, Australia, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Orocobre Limited (ASX: ORE, TSX: ORL) (“Orocobre” or “the Company”) advises that following an earthquake late Saturday (13 February 2021, JST) off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, north east Japan, there are no injuries to employees at the Naraha Lithium Hydroxide Plant.
An initial inspection of the plant with the construction contractor, Veolia Jenets on the morning of 14 February found some minor damage to the site office but did not find any visible defects to plant equipment. Additionally, there is no damage to site infrastructure services.A further inspection will be undertaken on 15 February to confirm the initial observations and assure the safety of the site prior to the recommencement of construction work.Authorised by:Richard S. Anthon
Joint Company SecretaryFor more information please contact:Andrew Barber
Chief Investor Relations Officer
Orocobre Limited
T: +61 7 3871 3985
M: +61 418 783 701
E: abarber@orocobre.com
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