Orange denies any project concerning a takeover of ATOS

Press releaseParis, 25 November 2020Orange denies any project concerning a takeover of ATOSOrange denies that it is working on a project relating to a takeover of ATOS and in consequence clarifies that this is not a subject that will be discussed at the next Board of Directors meeting.As stated on November 13, plans regarding the allocation of the approximately 2.2 billion euros, which result from a favorable decision by the French State Council (Conseil d’état) concerning a long-standing tax dispute, will be submitted to the Board of Directors of Orange and will then be implemented in a fair and balanced manner for the benefit of the development of the company, its employees and shareholders, in particular via an Employee Share Scheme and a strengthened social commitment in the context of the economic and health crisis we are going through.About OrangeOrange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42 billion euros in 2019 and 143,000 employees worldwide at 30 June 2020, including 84,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 253 million customers worldwide at 30 June 2020, including 208 million mobile customers and 21million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies, under the brand Orange Business Services. In December 2019, the Group presented its new “Engage 2025” strategic plan, which, guided by social and environmental accountability, aims to reinvent its operator model. While accelerating in growth areas and placing data and AI at the heart of its innovation model, the Group will be an attractive and responsible employer, adapted to emerging professions.Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).
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