Olainfarm Group maintains its profit forecast, a short term decline in 9 month sales results

In 2020, the Olainfarm Group continued its ongoing activity in major sales markets. The highest sales in nine months in 2020 was in Latvia, reaching 28 738 thousand EUR, which is 232 thousand EUR or 1% higher than the same period year ago. Latvia sales represent 32% in Group revenues. Sales in Russia for the nine months period in 2020 amount to 20 590 thousand EUR which is a decrease from 2019 due to extra one-off shipment at the end of 2019 for consumption in the first quarter 2020 amounting to 6 million EUR.
“Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions due to it have brought different challenges our way, but we understand how to tackle them, and are committed to reach our growth plans outlined in the company’s 5-year strategy. As a long-term investment, we have established a subsidiary in Russia, which allows us to get insights from the medical community and market research so that our efforts are relevant and current to customer needs. I am happy to announce that the new business model in Russia is in place and our team is operating fully,” said Elena Bushberg, Member of the Management Board, CEO of Olainfarm, a part of Olainfarm Group of companies.During nine months of 2020, the Group’s sales reached EUR 88 893 thousand, which is 10% less than the same period of last year. Gross profit margin in 2020 is 59.2 %, which is 1.9 p.p. drop compared to 61,1 % reached the same period last year.The Group’s financial position during nine months in 2020 is stable. The Group’s successful operations allowed it to accumulate EUR 29 991 thousand in cash at the end of September 2020. This is a significant precondition to limit the effect of uncertainty within the sales markets as well as allows to safeguard the supply of raw materials maintaining stable operations. Also accumulated cash allows continued financing for fixed asset investments as well as investments into research and development activities linked to completing clinical trials.In nine months of 2020, four Phase 1 clinical trials (pharmacokinetics and bioavailability) were completed, while one Phase 1 clinical trial was deferred to H1 2021, taking into account the Covid-19 pandemic and following the guidelines issued by the European Medicines Agency in the implementation of clinical trials on 20 March 2020. Four Phase 3 clinical trials are scheduled in 2020. Within the limits and risks associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of Phase 3 clinical trials (clinical part) is scheduled to start in 2021.
JSC “Olainfarm” is one of the largest companies in the Baltic States with more than 45 years of experience in the production of medicines and chemical pharmaceutical products. JSC “Olainfarm” is ranked as a TOP14 manufacturing company in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, the products of JSC “Olainfarm” are exported to more than 50 countries, including Russia and other CIS countries, as well as countries of Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. The basic principle of the company’s operations is to produce sustainable healthcare products and services leveraging on manufacturing and commercial expertise.Additional information:
Jānis Dubrovskis
Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm
Phone: +371 29178878
Email: janis.dubrovskis@olainfarm.comAttachmentOlainfarm_Q3_2020_konsolidetais FS_ENG