Notice to extraordinary general meeting in Agillic A/S
Announcement no. 8 2022
Notice to extraordinary general meeting in Agillic A/S
Copenhagen, 22 June, 2022
Notice is hereby given to shareholders in Agillic A/S of the extraordinary general meeting scheduled for 7 July 2022 at 10:00. The general meeting is held at the company’s address at Masnedøgade 22, 2nd floor, 2100 Copenhagen.
The board of directors proposes to elect Thorsten Köhler and Jan Juul as new members of the board of directors.
Susanne Lund will resign from the board of directors with effect from the date of the extraordinary general meeting.
Enclosed please find the notice and agenda including schedules for the extraordinary general meeting.
For further information, please contact:
Emre Gürsoy, CEO, Agillic A/S
+45 30 78 42 00
Claus Boysen, CFO, Agillic A/S
+45 28 49 18 46
Certified Adviser
Norden CEF A/S
Toldbodgade 55B, 3.,
DK-1253 Copenhagen
About Agillic A/S
Agillic is a Danish software company enabling marketers to maximise the use of data and translate it into relevant and personalised communication establishing strong relations between people and brands. Our customer marketing platform uses AI to enhance the business value of customer communication. By combining data-driven customer insights with the ability to execute personalised communication, we provide our clients with a head start in the battle of winning markets and customers.
Besides the Company’s headquarter in Copenhagen, Denmark, Agillic has sales offices in Malmö, Berlin, London and Prague as well as development units in Kiev and Cluj-Napoca. For further information, please visit
Agillic A/S
Masnedøgade 22, 2
2100 Copenhagen
- Appendix 1 – Baggrundsinformation på bestyrelseskandidater / Background information on board candidates
- Blanket til bestilling af adgangskort / Form for ordering of admission card
- Fuldmagts- og brevstemmeblanket / Proxy and postal vote form
- Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling torsdag 7. juli 2022 / Notice to extraordinary general meeting Thursday 7 July 2022
- Agillic – Proxy and postal vote form – 2022.06.22
- Agillic – Appendix 1 – Board candidates – 2022.06.22
- Agillic – Notice – 2022.06.22
- Agillic – Ordering admission card – 2022.06.22
- Agillic Company Announcement no-8-2022