Notice of prolongation of redemption date and partial redemption of convertible bonds PKG5

AS Pro Kapital Grupp informs that it has prolonged the redemption date of 24 500 “Pro Kapital Grupp convertible bond PKG5 29.11.2014” (in the registry under EEK 7.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP VAHETUSVÕLAKIRI PKG5 10-2020, hereinafter referred to as Convertible Bonds PKG5) by 2 years. The new redemption date of convertible bonds PKG5 is 29 November 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the redemption date).AS Pro Kapital Grupp has submitted the relevant application to the Nasdaq Central Depository of Securities Estonian branch to change the redemption date of Convertible Bonds PKG5. In the process of issuing the second trance of new non-convertible bonds EUR 8.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP VÕLAKIRI 20-2024 on 27 November 2020 – 15 746 convertible bonds PKG5 were cancelled as they were used as payment when scubscribing for the new non-convertible bonds.In total, Convertible Bonds PKG5 were prolonged with total value of 68 600 euros and 10 844 convertible bonds PKG5 are going to be redeemed with total value of 30 363.20 euros.Convertible bonds PKG5 bear an annual interest of 7% and give the holders of the convertible bonds the right to exchange one convertible bond for one share of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. The issue price of each convertible bond is 2.80 euros.In order to subscribe for the shares of AS Pro Kapital Grupp and exchange the bonds, the bondholder must submit an application to the Company at least 10 (ten) Business Days before the Exchange Date. The Exchange Date shall be each Business Day (a day other than (a) a Saturday, (b) a Sunday, (c) Estonian national holiday, (d) public holiday or (e) another day when the registrar of the Register does not register securities) until the expiration date of the Bond, i.e. until the date of its redemption. Allan Remmelkoor
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 614 4920